He Had It Coming

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Harry's p.o.v.

'Kill. . . Kill. . .'

Where is that voice coming from?

I looked around, trying to figure out where the voice is coming from.

'Time to kill. . .'

I put my glasses on and look up at the ceiling. 

I look in front of me and see. . .


"Dobby?" I asked in surprised.

"Harry Potter should've listened to Dobby. *Points at me* Harry Potter should've gone back home when he missed the train."

I looked at him in realization, "It was you. You stopped the barrier from letting Rond and me through."

"Indeed, yes, sir." Dobby admitted.

"Dobby?" I heard a voice ask, but didn't see anyone there.

Then she revealed herself.

"That's my cloak." I told her.

"Never gave it back to you, good thing too." She smiled, but then turned to Dobby.

"Miss Snape! Dobby has missed Miss Snape!" Dobby exclaimed.

I looked at them in confusion, "You two know each other?"

"Yes." Y/n said.

She then turned back to Dobby, "You nearly got Harry and Ron expelled."

"At least Harry Potter would be away from here. *Gets on his feet and approaches me* Harry Potter must go home! Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make Harry Potter see that-"

I got angry, "Your Bludger? You made that Bludger chase after me?"

"Dobby feels most aggrieved, sir. *shows his hands* Dobby had to iron his hands."

I shrug in response, "You better clear off before my bones come back, Dobby, or I might strangle you."

"Harry." Y/n scolded, but I ignored her.

Dobby jumped off the bed, frightened by my words, "Dobby is used to death threats, sir."

"That's true." Y/n sighed.

I get up and walk towards Dobby.

"Harry, get back in bed. I'm sure Dobby means no harm." Y/n tried to reason.

"If anything, he's tried to get me expelled and kill me." I told her.

"Not kill you, sir. Never kill you. Dobby remembers how it was before Harry Potter triumphed over, He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. We house elves were treated like vermin, sir. Of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin." Dobby then sobs uncontrollably, then blows his nose on what he's wearing.

"Why do you wear that thing, Dobby?" I asked him.

"Harry, in order for Dobby to be free, his masters must present him with clothes." Y/n explained.

"Miss Snape is right, sir." 

We hear a bang from outside the Hospital Wing doors, causing Dobby to gasp and jump onto the bed.

"Listen. Listen. *Beckons me closer* Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts. Harry Potter must not stay here now that history is to repeat itself." Dobby explained.

"Repeat itself?" I asked.

"What do you mean, Dobby?" Y/n asked him.

"You mean, this has happened before?" I asked Dobby.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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