Chapter 1 (re)

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Hell is the last place that Crystal saw herself in.

Sure she wasn't the greatest person, maybe she drank too much or maybe she cussed too much, Maybe way too much for God's liking.

but she thought that God forgave his children so why hadn't he forgiven her. It's not like she didn't go to church even if it was forced. She listened and obeyed her older family members, well maybe not.

Crystal had to admit that she was a partier. She loved sex and smoking but she figured that if it wasn't on Sunday because it was the lord's day, it would be okay.

She was definitely wrong about that one.

She was never really the sharpest tool in the shed, instead of studying at the mall it was. Instead of paying for college books, hair and nails would take place instead. She wondered if they had a hairstylist down here, Maybe she could find a sugar daddy.

Walking around in a mini skirt wasn't the best idea in hell especially when half your ass was out. She wasn't a size one, not at all but that didn't stop her from wearing what she wanted either just because she was a bigger size than some doesn't mean that she could have style.

Her chest was bigger than most which could easily pop out of her top if she bent down, the black fishnets on her thighs under her pink mini skirt it was hard not to stare.

What she loved most about herself though was her stomach, after being teased so much about actually having a stomach she learned to embrace it.

She looked around seeing all types of demons. Small ones with long pointy tails, big demons with muscular arms and wide tails and even some resembling animals.

Crystal had no idea what she looked like but she hoped it wasn't major,it took her so long to love herself she didn't want to have to start over.

She could use a drink right now. Yeah, drink and then figure out what she's going to do. That seemed like a good plan. Almost as if it was fate she saw a club Called 666 squealing in excitement and she quickly opened the door spotting the bar hastily. Crystal pulled up the chair and took a seat.

" Hi! Can I get a gin and tonic please with cherries?" she asked the bartender. " Sure sweet cheeks, this ones on the house." he says as he winks at her sliding the drink to her.

" Hey, you're not from here are you?" he asks, watching the young woman hastily drink her liquor before taking out a compact mirror from her bra and checking her lip gloss.

" Could you tell? I just dropped down 10 minutes ago." she said giggling. " Well, the name is Jared. Say, you said you just dropped down to hell right? Need a job? because we have openings for a bottle girl, the boss actually just killed her 30 minutes ago." Jared said, handing her another drink.

Crystal looked up from her mirror in surprise, " Crystal by the way, why did he kill her?" Jared took a small glance at her before casting his eyes on the counter he was wiping down. " She spilled a cocktail on his jacket." Crystal wasn't surprised it was hell after all, she just didn't think it was that extreme.

" Oh well. Poor her I guess, I'll take the job. Do I need to talk to him first." she says playing with her nails. " Just come in tomorrow night at the same time and I'll set up something for you." Jared says handing another customer a drink.

The conversation was cut off after a pink and white spider demon placed himself on Crystal's right side. " Give me your strongest drink, toots." the spider says to Jared, he sighs running one of his many hands through his hair.

"Had a rough night ?" Crystal says, turning her attention from Jared to him. " You could say that. My boss had me working a double." he said, taking a shot back. "That sucks. I hate shit bosses. What do you do?" He looked at her like she was crazy.

"you must be new here. I'm a famous porn star, Angel dust hot tits ." he says, shaking her hand before going back to nurse his drink. " Wow, you must be psychic or something. My name's Crystal" she says giggling.

Angle looks at her weirdly before cracking a smile "Hey toots if you need a place to stay, well I got this hot joint you could crash at."

You Crystal squeals " oh i would love that we could do mani's while gossiping. Oh oh we could watch some of my favorite shows, ohh we could go shopping together!" she says jumping up and down from her seat before almost tackling Angel into a hug.

Angel honestly didn't know what to do; he never really made contact unless it was sexual. Her excitement made him giggle, how did she end up down here? She was so cute!

" than com'on doll. We have shows to watch." he says arm and arm going to Hazbin hotel.

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