A new beginning

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After The Tournament of Elements

Ash Pov

It's a week ago since the Tournament and i lost contact with the most Elemental masters but not with my best friends i made there, Shade master of Shadow. Neuro master of mind. Turner master of Speed.

I don't really had something with the others though, only maybe with Chamille, she's, well, kinda hot

"Hey Ash!" I turn around in my garden and see Shade coming. "Shade!" We hug each other for a second before pulling away. "How are you?" Shade askes. "I'm good." "Great, so, i had the idea to invite every elemental master not the ninja to a camping!" Shade says.

"A camping? Would they want that?" I ask. "Of course, i already called them." "Okay, when?" Shade thought for a second. "Tonight, we meet each other at the entry of the 'haunted' forest." I shiver is send down my spine. "Haunted forest?"

"What? Scared?" Shade asked with a mischievous smile. "No, okay! I'll come! Who brings snacks?" "Everyone brings a little with them." Shade says. "See you soon." We wave each other goodbye and i go inside my house, do i even have a sleeping bag? Maybe on the attic

I go in the attic, what the hell? I didn't know here's so much dirt and What the fuck?! Rats?! I'm outta here! I run back to the living room and take my money. "Let's buy it, then i can also buy some snacks."

14 minutes later

I'm at the shop where they have everything and go inside, i should look for snacks first, what would they like? Maybe i have to impress Chamille that she loves me! I go to the snack area and see a familiar face there, is that Neuro?

"Hey Neuro!" He turns around. "Ash, long time no see." "Why are you here?" I ask. "To buy snacks for tonight, and my girlfriend wanted something." "Girlfriend?" "Yes, she's in the clothing area, she also comes to the camping, Shade found it okay."

"I wonder if everyone will like it..." i whisper to myself. "What?" He says. "Nothing! I--i have to go now, shopping." "Okay...?" I hope so much he didn't read my mind. I was thinking so much! And a secret that only me and 1 person knows.

Turner Pov

I'm so excited for the camping! I finally see them again, and maybe-- i can finally admit my feelings. Only Ash knows about them, I'm nervous but i will tell him how i feel! I love...

Knock knock

I open the door and see Ash. "Ash? What's up?" "I--i saw Neuro in the shop." He says. "really? And? Did you-- talk about me?" Why did i ask that? "No, and Neuro told me he got a girlfriend!" When i hear that, my heart breaks.

"And she's coming to the camping!" My heart breaks again. "What?! I don't want to watch them kiss the whole night!!! That should be me!" "Turner, calm down."

"This evening is gonna be hell. I'm not going." "Oh, you're going." Ash demands. "You can't make me watch Neuro and his girlbitch kissing and be in love!!!"

"TURNER!!! SHUT UP FOR A SECOND AND LISTEN TO ME!!!" I immediately stay silent, i never saw Ash this angry and i don't like it. "So-- you are going, you don't need to be close to Neuro, you can sit next to someone else and sleep in your own tent."

"But-- i still have to watch them be happy..." "then you have to be happy too." Ash says. "I can't!" "Turner, just try! I have to go now. See you tonight." "C U." I close the door. "This evening is gonna be the worse

The end

Bye 👋

A broken heart (Griffin and Neuro) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat