I never felt quite right

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Never felt like this skin was truly mine

Never felt this body was truly mine

Never thought this mind was truly mine.

I'm so stressed 

But watching the stars,

It helps

I feel so bad for all the refugees

It doesn't feel right

That they are turned down at the borders 

And even left to die

It doesn't feel right,

The way they treat them

It doesn't feel right,

All this stress building up.

When does it release?

Sometimes my own life doesn't feel right 

I wish I was an animal again 

This doesn't feel right 

I want to run 

And chase

And play

I want to scratch 

I want to jump

I want to fly.

But I'm bound to this body

We all are








It never felt quite right

Especially now, when the days are getting harder

It doesn't feel right 

(AN: this was a bit more of a vent, and my longest one so far at 139 words)

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