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The Rats Play When The Cat Is Gone

172 years after House Blackfyre began with Queen Daemyra Blackfyre's  uprising, Westeros found itself once again at war

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172 years after House Blackfyre began with Queen Daemyra Blackfyre's  uprising, Westeros found itself once again at war. While the black stag was using his fury next to House Stark and House Arryn the Dragon was hiding behind its great walls trying to rekindle the dragon's flame with wildfire.

While the Mad King hid in the Red Keep his older son, Rhaegar Targaryen, was starting a war, poor boy, we really don't get to choose who we love, but try to tell that to Robbert Baratheon, the furious black stag trying to get back the love of his life, Lyanna Stark.

The Targaryens weren't the only Dragons in Westeros, House Blackfyre was still standing trying to regain the glory it had at the time of the Dance of the Dragons, when Daemyra Blackfyre sat on the Iron Throne and ruled the 7 Kingdoms. There were 3 heirs left from the line of Daemyra and Aemond, they were exactly like the Targaryen brothers, Viserys and Rhaegar, their hair was white like snow and they had eyes the color of Lavenders.

Baelor Blackfyre, the eldest, very arrogant, a knight who knew how to handle the sword too well for his own good, the true blood of the dragon. Allyria Blackfyre, a true beauty, but not a sympathetic one, a girl who knew how to use her beauty to get what she wanted, spent her days reading and making her own dresses always in light colors. The youngest dragon, Aegon Blackfyre, Young Griff, the only sympathetic brother, who would sing in the middle of King's Landing to enjoy the company of the poorer population, a sweet boy with the desire to travel through Westeros by boat.

The Blackfyres have been hiding since the time of Allyria Blackfyre, the delight, the girl Daemyra Blackfyre birthed, the second queen who sat on the Iron Throne, Allyria didn't give her house any trueborn children taking the Blackfyres out of the power.

The Blackfyres were hiding scared of being burned by the mighty Targaryens that were ruling again and this time with intentions of ending their bloodline. Until Daerys Blackfyre was born, some called him madman others called him the rightful king, but he was just like any other Blackfyre thirsty for power, for the throne, and he acted like any other Blackfyre. He rebelled against the king and he lost costing him his life and his wife's life.

Despite their differences the Targaryens and the BlackFyres have lived in peace, with no wars, the last Great War was when Rhaema and Daerys Blackfyre were murdered in front of the whole population of King's Landing they were killed by the king's eldest son, Rhaegar, he spared the children and left them in care of the Mad King.

But now after 7 years, Rhaegar was dead, killed by Robbert Baratheon at the battle of the Trident, and Tywin Lannister was ready to sack the city. Aerys Targaryen destroyed the Targaryen Dynasty when he opened the city gates to Tywin Lannister.

"Burn them all" it echoed in the throne room muffling the Blackfyre girl's footsteps. She was wearing a pink dress and her white hair was braided. While her older brother was recovering from the battle of the Trident, where he betrayed the Targaryens right in front of Rhaegar, her younger brother was hiding in his chambers while his sister was trying to bring glory to her House.

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