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No One's POV

Day was a normal girl, She was very shy around new people but loves making new friends when she can. Ever since Day can remember she could see things no one else could. When Day was six years old she was heading to the store when she spotted a rock golem in the woods not too far from her second restaurant.

When she was 14,she and a neighbor who was named Avia, were outside playing when she spotted a black outline of a tail with a fire at the end. She thought it was a Charizard from Pokemon but she never found out what it was.

But everything started to change when her grandmother who helped raise Day passed away. The year was 2020, during the pandemic of C19. During the same year her father had a medical emergency and left the home. After her grandmother's death Day slowly lost her sight as she called it.

4 years later, Day was a very shy girl but loved being there for her friends, Day received a very interesting package. Inside was a small red and white box but inside the box was a Phoenix bracelet with a chain connecting to a ring.

Day was confused why someone would give this to her, Day was about to put the bracelet on when her older brother Dark called her phone. Day placed the box down and answered her phone. What Day didn't know is the bracelet was awakening something from another realm.

Day hung up and walked into the kitchen where her mother was, the only parent Day had left. Day asked if she could hang out with Dark and a male who she met in highschool named RJ. Day's mother trusted Dark but didn't trust RJ due to past problems. Day's mother agreed but only if Day was safe. Day smiled softly.

Day went to her room which was now an office, Day changed into her favorite outfit. Black leggings and a black long sleeve shirt. Day grabbed her favorite shoes and put her phone in a purse when she looked at the bracelet. Day took the bracelet out of the box and put it on. The ring fit her ring finger.

Day smiled as she saw how the bracelet fit her, Day hurried outside where her brother Dark and RJ were waiting. As the sun hit the bracelet the eyes glowed waking a beautiful but power creature up in the magical realm

" Hey Day, cool bracelet" RJ said while leaning against the truck

" Thanks, someone sent it to me" Day said as she fixed her suit sleeve on her right arm

" Someone just sent you a bracelet and ring without a note, that's kinda weird right?" Dark asked

Day shrugged as she walked over to the passenger side door of the truck. No matter how tall Dark and RJ were, they always allowed Day to ride in the front of the truck. RJ and Dark got in the truck and headed to a restaurant, Day looked out the window and loved seeing her little town.

Day wasn't paying attention to RJ and Dark talking. She was thinking of a project idea she could do when she felt her purse vibrate. Day took her phone out and saw her old friend Harmony calling her. Day didn't answer the call and put her phone in her bag as they pulled into a restaurant

" Everything okay Day?" Dark asked

" Yup" Day said

Day, Dark and RJ went inside the restaurant and sat down at a table. The restaurant was an all you could eat place. Day loved their chicken nuggets and coffee cakes even though she hates coffee. Dark and RJ went to get their food first as Day suddenly felt something bonding to her but she didn't know what

After they ate at the restaurant, the three went to a park. RJ was fishing while Dark and Day watched.

" so someone just set you a bracelet, no note no explanation " Dark said

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