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No One's POV

" no one is allowed to enter this kingdom without the queens or the princess invite" the guard said

" we will not hurt/harm anyone inside the castle or in the kingdom, we are just passing through to get to the other kingdoms" Myst said

Before the guard on the right could speak a voice which had come from the top of the wall speak

" it's okay let them in" the voice said

The guards listened to the voice and let the two in the Winged wolf kingdom, the voice had come down from the top of the wall and walked over to Myst and Day as Myst noticed it was his old friend Sky, Myst walked over to Sky and hugged him.

Sky hugged Myst back and smiled. Myst treated Sky as his older brother and someone he trusted. Myst knew he had a real big brother but he didn't trust him as much as he trusted Sky.

" what are you doing here Myst? I thought your father didn't let you out of the village" Sky said

" he let me out of village cuz I'm helping a friend getting to her home or what's left of it" Myst said not wanting Day to hear what he was saying

Sky looked at Day as he saw Day was looking around the kingdom as she was in awe about the new kingdom she is seeing and the new magic she can learn about. Sky took Day and Myst to the guard station.

Day looked at the castle which was sitting a little way from the kingdom. It was a simple blue and white castle but something in the castle made Day wanting to go there.

Meanwhile inside the castle, the winged wolf princess laid her window bed while reading a book. When a guard knocked on her bedroom door. The princess looked up at bedroom door

"Come in" the princess said

The guard walked in the room and bowed at the princess. The princess smiled

" There's is an important topic we need to speak about" the guard said

The princess set the book on the bed as the guard gently kissed her on the lips. The princess kissed the guard back knowing it was her boyfriend Anu. Anu gently touches his girlfriend's cheek while kissing her. The princess touched his hand while smiling.

" There's my beautiful Rose" Anu said

Rose blushed, Anu sat next to her and gently held her. Rose smiled and leaned into him.

" Captain Storm allowed two people in the gate" Anu said

" Really? But my mom's rule" Rose said

" Apparently he knows one of them" Anu said

"Has he told my mother?" Rose asked

" No but your mother will find out" Anu said

" I agree with you, maybe I can go meet them before my mother finds out" Rose said

Anu looked at Rose with a look, he has only seen Princess Rose out of the castle once maybe twice since her father's death. Rose looked at Anu with a smile. Rose knew what Anu was thinking. Rose gently touched Anu's cheek and smiled. Anu blushed at her touch and nuzzles her hand. Ever since they met, Anu has felt safe with Princess Rose. Anu sighed

" we will tell your mother we are going to your father's grave and then head to the inn so you can meet them" Anu said

Rose nodded and slowly stood up from her window bed and slowly went to her mother's study which was on the other side of the castle. Rose gently knocked on the door and her mother allowed her to enter her office.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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