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Riri, the house-elf, simply carried out her job.Many years ago she was born in this very castle.

She can't do anything else; she doesn't have the worth for it. She's incredibly grateful that her new owner, the inspiring dark Lord, allowed her to continue serving at Hogwarts. Some house-elves were less fortunate, had bad luck because they didn't adhere to the rules of the dark Lord.

They had been foolish, fought on the wrong side. Riri hadn't fought; she waited. In times of uncertainty, she waited for a new master to conquer her and give her orders. That was her sole purpose. Riri knows she's good at obeying orders. Her job is the best, her master is good. Praise the dark Lord.

Her task today is easy : feed the prisoners so they can soon serve. There aren't many left now. In the beginning, there were many, so many that there was hardly any room left. But now there are fewer.

One of the Death Eater masters once told his friend that only the most important ones would remain – as a warning. But Riri prefers not to listen to such conversations. That's not her task. She just needs to be able to cook and fulfill her job.

Together with another house-elf named Zop, she goes to the dungeon with a large cauldron, almost as big as her body, floating beside her. The food is a soup with everything they need. The prisoners shouldn't become too strong; that's crucial. Riri has learned that.

Zop will take care of the male prisoners, Riri of the females. They pass by some Death Eaters, quickly they lowerd their heads . Riri has learned that nowadays.To become a Death Eater, one must pass the final exams at Hogwarts, and then there is a grand ceremony.

Over the past three years, she has often witnessed it. It's always a grand feast where she has to cook a lot.

Another two Death Eaters emerge from the dungeons. They are wearing black uniforms. One is missing a glove, his hand is smeared with blood, much to the amusement of the young men. 'Did you see his stupid face?' one of them laughs. Riri and Zop immediately lower their heads again. When the two Death Eaters notice the elves, the one with both gloves kicks Zop. Due to the hard kick , Zop falls to the ground immediately.

One of death eaters calls the elfs "pathetic creatures," and the other spits into the pot for the male prisoners. That happens often, and Riri is grateful, very grateful.

She has heard that at the very beginning, many elves got into big trouble because they spoke nonsense about an elf named Dobby or Winky. But no, one shouldn't think about that, not think and not mention.

Riri and Zop continue. He turns left, and she turns right. There are only four girls left. Just a week ago, there was still an Asian girl. Riri doesn't know her name, but she was taken by Death Eaters. That happens often, really often.

There's one with a very bright voice and white dirty hair. Riri knows her name, Luna. She's a wird prisoner and always talks nonsense. She's supposed to be in the next tournament. That will be something. Riri already knows it. Then there's another girl who is completely different from Luna, with dark skin and a thin long face. Her name is Angelina or Agatha. Riri doesn't know. She can only remember the name of one. It doesn't matter; she's not supposed to remember names; she's supposed to feed. She's supposed to do her job.

The other two girls are also thin. They shouldn't eat too much. One has completely red hair, and the other completely brown. Riri opens the lock with a gesture.

The girls don't look up.

Luna sings to herself:

"In the deep cellar, the bird hums.
In the depths of the cellar, the bones lie. Come to the cellar and see for yourself.
The weapons built. A protective tribe.
It begins, it begins, it begins.
The Firebringer is coming."

"Don't sing. Singing causes trouble," says Riri snappishly, and she wants to sound mean.If the prisoners are too loud they get in trouble and if Riri is present she gets it too. She doesn't want that. Singing is not good. No no no.

Luna lifts her head. She smiles broadly, and madness is written in her eyes. Maybe it has already consumed her.

"Oh, what trouble should I still get? We're here, and we're alive, and that's probably the greatest punishment. But the Firebringer will come. I've seen it in my dreams." Riri says nothing. Riri doesn't want to talk to crazy prisoners. None of the others speak. They're all too weak. Too scared.

She goes around, giving each girl exactly three large ladles from the pot, and then she leaves. That's her job. She ignores Luna, who has started singing again.

"The bird sings and sings in the castle among the bones.
The warrior stands right beside the darkness.
The light-bringer comes.
Here and now.
The world will burn all will be burned down.
Down down."

The song has no meaning. And Riri knows that when the coming tournament is over, Luna will never be able to sing it again

Riri looks forward to it. When everyone is dead, she will surely get a new job. A new opportunity to serve!

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