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"Astoria, I still don't understand the tournament," Fina Greengrass whined in a typical five-year-old voice. Astoria looked lovingly at her little cousin.

With a gentle smile, the older woman pulled the luttle girl onto her lap so that the two of them sat together at the table in the large tea room.

"Oh, my little one, it's very simple," Astoria ran her hand through the little one's hair. "But I want to hear it again." Astoria grinned. Of course, her cousin isn't stupid, she doesn't want an explanation, just a story.

Fina loves stories. After all, she is living history right now. She is growing up in an incredibly exciting age. The Age of the Dark Lord. The Era of a better world.

Fina rocks back and forth on Astoria's lap. "So," she began, "you know that the Dark Lord, blessed be he, killed the evil half-blood wizard Harry Potter to save our magic?"

Fina nods. "Okay, well, then you also have to know that there were still many traitors and Mudbloods who were on Potter's side. And these traitors need to be punished."

Fina nods. She had heard words like that before. Her mother and father sometimes talked about things like that, but the little girl never understood much. Now she asks, "What are Mudbloods?"

"Mudbloods have been around for years, even the honorable Salazar Slytherin, as you probably know, fought against them. Mudbloods are Muggles who steal our magic, just like Potter, and they are evil. Ugly creatures that are beneath us ", Astoria thought for a moment.

It was important to tell Fina the right stories. Astoria knew Mudbloods, of course, and she knew she had to exaggerate now. "Mudbloods don't shy away from anything. They're nasty to children, and some want to eat them whole."

Now, naturally frightened, Fina pressed herself against her cousin. Astoria quickly stroked the little one's head. "Don't worry, the Dark Lord and the Death Eater Guard are in the process of destroying them all. Many of them are no longer around. Now they are weak and hiding in caves."

Fina nodded slowly. She gets it "So that's why I shouldn't go into caves when we go for a walk, and I shouldn't walk without mom and dad." Astoria laughed softly. Children are so cute. How they always come up with their own explanations and understand connections. "Exactly," she agreed.

Then she continued, "Well, in any case, the holy lord has decided to punish some of the blood traitors, those who are not Mudbloods but still supported Potter. They have no more value than the house elves, even less. They are there to serve, clean or work in other services."

Fina wanted to ask what services, but Astoria continued. "One of these methods of punishment is being used for the second time this year. A magical tournament in which an allied community of wizards comes to Hogwarts for three months and the chosen ones from this school fight against monsters and traitors not only in honor of the lord. Last time the school had Durmstrang has the honor of being there, and this year it will be the Magic School of North Korea."

"And this tournament are we going to?" Fina asks, clapping excitedly, proud that she did something right based on Astoria's happy face.

"Exactly, this tournament will be a big event. Last year you were too young, but this year you can come." This was not entirely true.

Many pureblood families had been very worried last year. The first year after the Dark Lord's victory everything had been very hectic. Blood traitors, mudbloods and other scoundrels stormed the wizarding world. The Death Eaters hit each other deliberately and had no relent, but it was easy not. In the second year after the victory, the concern continued. The punishment and torture methods were increased and security systems began to be formed. A guard of Death Eaters as a kind of guardian.

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