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CHAPTER ONE,     visitor at nightfall.



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۰ ִ⊹.˖ ALL SHE FELT was pain. Unbearable and horrid. She felt as though she had been trampled by horses a dozen times, likely worse than that. The most pain she felt was from her back, the sensation of blood trickling down her skin sending a shudder through her body.

She tried to drag herself forward, her nails digging into the solid ground she had landed on moments ago.

But it was no use.

She was too weak to move much. It did her very little as pain slapped her across the face once again.

Her golden locks fell over her shoulders in a mess and tears stung the corners of her eyes as she processed her situation. Her surroundings were nothing but horrible. The smell of blood filled the air and the sound of distant yelling and what sounded like firecrackers could be heard. It had a pressuring feel push against her chest and she felt the need to run. To get as far away from this place as possible.

Just then, the world seemed to grow darker and she glanced up to find someone towering over her wounded form, the lighting of the destroyed city setting a rim of red around the silhouette of what she could make out to be a blonde man. The man outstretched his hand slowly, as if he were trying to not scare the newly fallen angel away, but this only made her flinch and her eyes grow twice their size out of fear.

The mystery man drew back immediately, realizing that this girl was absolutely terrified. Not that he could blame her. He wasn't exactly proud of what Hell had become.

"Who.. are you?" She croaked, her voice hoarse and throat tight. It had been the first time she physically spoke in the past few minutes.

Who knew a lot could happen in such a short span of time.

The man crouched down and she was able to make out his ruby red eyes and golden colored sclera. He wore a crisp white tailored suit with pink hems and an apple topped cane was held in one of his gloved hands while the other rested on his thigh.

"I'm sure you've heard of me." The man spoke, his voice smooth like silk. It was almost angelic. "I'm quite the... uuh..." What was the word he was looking for? "..role model in Heaven. Especially for you, if you got booted for the reason I have every reason to believe you did."

"...what?" She muttered, looking on in confusion.

And then it clicked.

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