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Minutes later, when the unknown number stops calling. Martin's phone started ringing again. "Who the fuck is calling me now?" Martin asks. As he looked down at his phone screen. "Oh," Martin says.

As he sees the white house pop up on the screen. "Hello," Martin says. As he answers the phone. "Hey Martin. It's the president of the United States," Doug says.

"Hey, mr. president," Martin says. "I was calling to ask you. If there's any way you can meet me. Whenever you are back in Washington," Doug says. "Well.

Mr. President, you are in luck. I am on my way back to Washington right now," Martin says. "Are you on an engagement?" Doug asks. "Nope. I'm moving back to Washington," Martin says.

"Why?" Doug asks. "It's a long story," Martin says. "Okay. I'll see you. When you get here," Doug says.

"Okay," Martin says. As the call ended. Eight hours later, the beast arrived at the white house. Martin steps out of the beast. As he walked into the white house.

Minutes later, Martin walked into the oval office. "It's great to see you," Doug says. As he stood up and hugged Martin. When he walked over to the couch. "It's great to see you too," Martin says.

"Do you want some tea?" Doug asks. As he pointed to the drink station. "No. I'm fine. Thank you," Martin says.

"I tried to call you earlier. But you didn't answer," Doug says. Oh, that was you. I didn't know. I thought it was a spam call.

That's why I didn't answer," Martin says. "It's fine. I understand. I was calling you from my private government number," Doug says. "So, what did you need to speak to me about?" Martin asks.

As he sat down next to Doug on the couch. "Him," Doug says. As he hands Martin a folder. "Wait. I know him," Martin says. As he opened the folder and looked at the picture.

"You know him," Doug says. "Yes, I know him," Martin says. "Who is he?" Doug asks. "He's Roy's ex boyfriend," Martin says. "Do you know his name?" Doug asks.

"Malcolm Thompson," Martin says. "What did he do?" Martin asks. "We were shipping him back to sweden. Until," Doug says. "Until, what?" Martin asks.

"Until he escaped earlier today. "How?" Martin asks. "We don't know. That's why I called you. To see if you would know.

Where would he go?" Doug asks. "The only place I could think of is the palace," Martin says. "Thanks. I'll call the palace to let them know," Doug says. "No problem," Martin says.

As he stood up and walked out of the oval office. Meanwhile at the palace, Francis was sitting behind the king's desk. When he hears shots coming from down the hallway. "What the hell," Francis says. As he stood up and walked to the door.

As he peeked his head out the door. A bullet went flying past his head. "Shit that was close," Francis says. As he closed the door. "Francis! Don't run from me," Malcolm says.

"Shit," Francis says. As he looks around frantically. As he got under the king's desk. "Come out. Come out.

Wherever you are," Malcolm says. As he banged on the king's office door. "Whoever you are. Go away," Francis says. "I'm not going away until you tell me where he is," Malcom says.

"Who are you looking for?" Francis asks. "Where the hell is Roy?" Malcolm asks. "I don't know," Francis says. "Don't lie to me," Malcom says. "I'm not lying.

I don't know where he is," Francis says. "Didn't I say! Don't lie to me," Malcom says. As he opened the king's office door. "Fuck," Francis whispers. As he hears Malcolm's footsteps coming closer to the desk.

"His majesty, I know. You are under the desk. Come out now. Or I'll shoot," Malcom says. "Okay.

Please don't shoot," Francis says. As he stands up with his hands in the air. "Now, I'm gonna ask you this. One last time. Where the fuck is Roy?" Malcom asks.

As he pointed the gun toward Francis's chest. "I just told you. I don't know," Francis says. "Okay. I guess I just have to do this," Malcom says.

As he shoots Francis in the arm. "Shit," Francis says in pain. "I"m sorry. I wouldn't have done that. If you would have told me the truth," Malcom says.

"Can you get me some help? I'm bleeding out," Francis says. As he holds his arm. "Uh, Not until you tell me where Roy is," Malcom says. When he hears footsteps behind him. He turned around and pointed the gun at the door.

"Who's there?" Malcom asks. As he continues to point the gun at the door. "Come out. Before I shoot," Malcom says. "Malcom, is that you?" Roy asks.

As he stands in the doorway. "Yes, it's me," Malcom says. As he continues to point the gun at Roy. "Roy, please go get help. I'm dying over here," Francis says. "Uncle Francis, are you okay?" Roy asks. "No! I am not okay. I've been shot.

By this maniac over here. Now please. Go get help," Francis says. "Okay," Roy says. As he was about to turn around.

"Don't you dare move. Or I'll blow your head clean off your body," Malcolm says. As he pointed the gun to the back of Roy's head. "Okay," Roy says. As he slowly turned back around with his hands in the air.

"Malcom, we have to get my uncle some help," Roy says. "He will get some help," Malcom says. As he backed up to the king's desk and picked up the phone. As he continues to point the gun at Roy. "We need assistance in the king's office.

His majesty has been shot," Malcolm says. As the call ended. "Malcom, so what's the plan now?" Roy asks. "I was planning to shoot you. But I have changed. My mind. Move," Malcolm says. As he and Roy walked out the king's office.

"Shit. Malcom! Where the hell do you think you are going?" Francis asks. As he tries to stand up. Malcolm doesn't respond. "Keep moving," Malcolm says. As he pushes Roy. "I'm going. As fast.

As I can. Damn," Roy says. "Well. Walk faster. We ain't got all day," Malcom says. "Uh, where are we going?" Roy asks. "No more questions. Keep walking," Malcom says.

When he and Roy got outside. A dark blue van pulled up. "Get in," Malcom says. "It's you," Roy says. When the door to the dark blue van opened.

Taking the throne: The fairytale endingWhere stories live. Discover now