It's you

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"Why are you doing this?" Roy asks. As he gets pushed into the dark blue van. "Drive," Malcom says. When he gets into the passenger seat of the van. "Okay.

You don't have to yell," Maria says. As she started driving away from the palace. "I'm not yelling. But if you want me too. I will," Malcom says.

As he placed his gun in the glove department. "I asked. Why are you doing this?" Roy asks. "Why are we doing this? You ask. Why? I'll give you the answer.

You're husband and low life brother in law. Killed our boss. And, it's our duty to kill you," Maria says. So, Who the hell killed my grandfather?" Roy asks. As he sees Maria and Malcolm glance at each other.

"Uh," Maria says. "Maria, No! Do not tell him," Malcom says. "Why? He has to know," Maria says. "Because we could go to jail," Malcolm says. "Malcolm, we are already going to jail.

We kidnapped the prince of Sweden," Maria says. "Right. We should just kill him. While we still got time," Malcolm says. "What, are you crazy?" Maria asks.

"No. Maria, I am not crazy. I was just thinking out loud," Malcolm says. "Well. I will not go along with killing the prince," Maria says.

"Hello. I'm right here. I can hear you," Roy says. "Shut the hell up," Malcolm and Maria say at the same time. "Okay," Roy says.

An hour later, the dark blue van pulled into a nearby storage facility. "Where are we?" Roy asks. When the door to the dark blue van opened. "Get out," Malcolm says. No! I will not get out," Roy says.

"Okay," Malcolm says. As he yanks Roy out the dark blue van. "Damn! You didn't have to yank me out of the van," Roy says. "Well. You should have just got out of the van on your own.

When I told you to. Now walk," Malcolm says. As he pointed to the door. "Fine. I'm going," Roy says.

As he walked towards the door. Sit," Maria says. As she holds the door open. "What are we doing here?" Roy asks. When he sat down.

"Shut the hell up! And listen," Malcolm says. "From this minute on. You will not speak unless you are told. If you do not listen. You will be shot.

Do you understand?" Maria asks. "Yes. I do understand," Roy says. "Okay. Great," Maria says.

"Is he here yet?" Malcolm says. "I don't know. But I'll go see," Maria says. As she walked out the door. "Malcolm, you don't have to do this.

Just let me go. I promise. I won't tell anyone," Roy whispers. "Didn't I tell you to shut up," Malcolm says. "Yes.

You did tell me to shut up," Roy says. "Then, what do you need to do?" Malcolm asks. "Shut up," Roy says. When shots can be heard. "What the hell," Malcolm says.

When he peeked his head out of the door. He sees a group of men standing down the hallway. "What in the world," Malcom says. When he looks at one of the men directly in the eyes. "Fire," Tom says.

As the group of men shoots down the hallway. When one of the bullets hit Malcolm straight in the leg. "Shit," Malcom says. As he falls on the floor in pain. "Roy, we are here to help you.

Francis sent us to come get you," Tom says. "Okay. I'm on my way," Roy says. As he tries to leave the room. Malcom grabs Roy's leg. As he falls to the ground. "Roy, Are you okay?" Tom asks. "No! He's got my leg," Roy says.

"Okay. Hold on. Robert and Mike. Go in there and get the prince. Use force. If you have to," Tom says. Robert and Mike nod. As they turn and walk down the hallway.

"Let the prince go. Or risk being shot again," Robert says. When he and Mike stand in the doorway. "Okay," Malcom says. As he lets Roy's leg go.

"Your royal highness, are you okay?" Robert asks. As he helps Roy up off the floor. "Yes. I'm fine," Roy says. As he kicks Malcolm in the ribs.

"Ouch," Malcolm says. "That's for making me think. Y'all was gonna kill me," Roy says. As he walked out the room. "Get up," Mike says.

As he helps Malcolm up off the floor. "How did you find me?" Roy asks. When he stands in front of Tom. "Well. The dark blue van Malcom and Maria stole.

Was the palace van that we used for the palace security," Tom says. "Oh, so what's gonna happen to Malcolm and Maria?" Roy asks. As he sees Mike walking Malcom out in handcuffs. "Well. Malcom will be in jail.

But Maria is dead unfortunately," Tom says. "Is she the one who was shot?" Roy asks. "Yes. When she went to go see if a man from the mafia group showed up. She was met with force.

When she pulled out her gun to shoot at us. We shot her and she died instantly," Tom says.  "Oh, so what happens now?" Roy asks. "Well. You go back to the palace.

And continue to live your life like nothing happened," Tom says. "Do you think I can do that after this?" Roy asks. As he pointed around the storage facility. "Well. I think seeing a therapist would help," Tom says.

As he and Roy walk out of the storage facility. "How is my uncle?" Roy asks. "We don't know, Your royal highness. He's currently in surgery," Tom says. When he and Roy step into the state car.

An hour later, when the state car arrives at the hospital. As soon as the car door opened, Roy and his royal guards ran into the hospital. "Excuse me. What floor is his majesty on?" Roy asks. When he stops at the front desk.

"Uh, let me check," The woman says. As she looks down at the chart. "His majesty will be on floor 7," The woman says. "Thank you," Roy says. As he and his royal guards ran towards the elevators.

Taking the throne: The fairytale endingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon