Chapter 02 ~ Staying Out of Drama on My First Day of High School PT. 2

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It was around 6 o'clock when my dad finally came downstairs for breakfast. Meanwhile, I was sitting on our small couch finishing the rest of the frozen waffles. Kimi had not even taken a bite out of them when she decided she will not eat them, and when I came back in, she looked at me, then eyed the plate on the floor. Kimi and I had developed a secret language code to each other, so we can understand each other better. ^ o ^

"What are you eating there, sweetie?" he asked through the loud crunches my teeth made as they went through the crusts.

"Waiting for school," I replied between mouthfuls.

"Well, why don't you get going then? It's around...6:08." He said, then checked his watch.

"Dad, school starts at seven. I have plenty of time to have fun before then!"

"Really, or is this an excuse? You know, being nervous and all...?"

"Even you knew!?" - 0 - I groaned, 'Why does it have to show?"

"Come one, I'm your dad. You think I wouldn't know? You were the one who told me to get a hundred burritos yesterday! And you only eat a lot when you're--"

"Okay, I got it!" I cut him off, "Yes, I was nervous, but I got my friends with me!"

"Well, look who's motivated this morning!" Dad chuckled.

"It's true," I explained, "Yamato and Sana are going to be there with me, so I have nothing to worry about!" ^ - ^

"But won't Yamato be too busy being popular, like every year?"

'What do you mean?"

"Ugh!" he groaned like I did, totally mocking me - _ -, "Even you don't know! (Mocking me, again) Yamato and this friend of his, Kento right (Kenji, Dad!)? They were popular throughout your school years. so, it would be the same this year, hmm?"

I paused for a moment. This time, my dad's making sense. If Yamato won't be there...No! He promised me he'll be there to help me! And if he did not make it, Sana would still be with me, because that's what I told Dad. But boy, was he persistent. - _ -'

"Sana will be busy volunteering for other campaigns throughout the year, like always."

Again, my dad's right. Sana likes helping people, like way too much. So, she'll be busy, too. But what about me? Guess I'll have to make it through myself, then...

Dad noticed what's going on, he patted on the back and gently said, "Hey kiddo! Don't worry. A lot of students are new just like you, and they're getting through their school themselves. You're not the only one."

"Thanks, Dad," I smiled, then handed him a plate, "But if you eat these for me, I'm sure I'll be happier :))))"

He frowned at me but relented. He can't say no to his favorite child! "Thanks, you're the best!" I said quickly, ruffled his hair, skipped through the hallway, and dashed up the stairs. Why? Because I need to check my clothes again, and so is my hair, my face, making sure The Cream Desire had not worn away, and checking my bag. Everything's important for a normal reputation!

I was only halfway done, when suddenly my dad's voice rang from downstairs, "Honey, your friend is here!' A friend? I didn't plan to meet up with anyone. Who could it be? Finishing touches for the last time, I raced down the stairs, my schoolbag swinging on one shoulder, and my hair flying like there was a hurricane coming up while I jumped down three steps at a time. I only stopped to spot who this friend is, but the next second, I was just freaking out, since I knew him. Standing there, beaming brightly, was Yamato.

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