Chapter 04 ~ He Got a Girlfriend!?

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A/N: CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🥳🥳🥳You have finished all three parts of "Staying Out of Drama on My First Day of High School". I promise you; this is not PT. 4. From now on, we're definitely NOT focusing on Koemi's "average" high school day. Just wait and see!!

Sana bombarded me with questions right after school. She's giving off Yamato vibes when he kept laughing about "how I locked myself in the bathroom." I tried fastening my pace, but Sana, with her long strides, kept up with me every time. And what do those questions have in common? There are all about what happen when I got "taken away".

"For the last time, Sana, I was not taken away!" I told her for the one hundredth time, "It's not like I was kidnapped or something."

"But they were SUS," Sana explained.

"Because of you, Yamato literally freaked out, and came looking for me!!! Can't you see it ruined my reputation? That was my main goal in this school!! To. Have. A. Nor. Mal. Rep. Pu. Ta. Tion!!! ):<"

"But do you know what it means? If he came rescuing you, he must've L-I-K-E you!!! ^.^"

I stopped in my tracks. "How many times have I told you before?" I said, maintaining my nerves, "We're just friends."

Sana, who probably felt me getting more and more angry, quickly added, 'It's just a joke!! Just a joke ...0_0," but quickly added, "But can't you see the pattern? When you're in trouble or having problems, Yamato is always there for you."

I had to narrow my eyes and tried to look fierce did she stopped her nonsense. But I did take time considering this.

When we reached a curb, that's when we parted ways. But Sana still needed to hear one more thing to fulfill her curiosities.

"What happened with you and the Blush Rushes?"

My eyes opened wide, "You knew about them??"

"Duh, everybody knows about them. There like the heartthrobs in school, the female version of Kenji and Yamato, except that there are five of them."

"But... I promised to keep this a secret..." I spoke.

"Well, if it's a promise, you can't break it," she agreed. Then, her face suddenly lit up. "Boom!! The lightbulb in my head just gave me an idea ^-^."

She pulled out her phone and texted me:

NotSanaFromTWICE (no, I did not name her that):
We could say it through texting. We're not saying it face-to-face.

I immediately get what's she trying to say. I texted her back:

Alright, genius.

So, we were just talking about how Reina was smoking in the girls' WC.

REALLY!!?? She SMOKED?!! And YOU found out about it??!!

Why sound so surprised?


Anyway, what next?? 0>0

Koko is typing...


Koko:These girls thought I was a goody 2 shoes, and that I'll tell the principal on Reina. But eventually, I got saved by Ayane. And then I left. That's it. :)))

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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