57. 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩

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author's note: i know it's been a little while, but i've been trying to work out which way to take this story, but i'm happy with the way it's going now. thank you for all the support and comments on riptide, the updates on this story might not be as regular anymore but i haven't forgotten about it <3

Leo was right, last night was exactly what I needed. To hang out with Sarah, Topper and Leo, as well as the kooks who apparently don't despise me, or they're just scared of upsetting Rafe Cameron's girlfriend. It was nice to laugh again, to feel no looming anxiety on my back, to just be happy.

But when the alcohol wore off as I woke up this morning it became abundantly clear that my heart and mind still remain with Rafe. I regret pushing him away momentarily, but I know that it was what we both needed, and I just can't wait to wrap my arms around him again.

Physically, I felt like shit when I woke up this morning, lying in Leo's bed while he slept on the couch. It wasn't helped by the nightmare that haunted my sleep last night, jolting me awake at 6AM, leaving me unable to fall back asleep. I've not had the dreams about what happened on the tarmac since before Rafe and I found our way back to each other. So, it's becoming clear that ironically Rafe was the one protecting me from the nightmares.

When I appeared in the living area Leo has already served up breakfast, and before I could even suggest a lazy morning, he asked if I'd like to join him on one of his surf lessons.

Missing surfing the way I do, I accepted. I quickly shoveled the breakfast down before dressing myself in my bikini from the day before as well as my pair of shorts. I pulled my hair back into two dutch braids, knowing it's the best way to keep my hair out of my face.

Being back out on the waves was exactly what I needed, the sun on my body, the drops of sea water on my skin, the warm breeze in my hair. I felt just like me all over again.

"You look like you enjoyed that," Leo smiles as we wander back towards my parents' shop where he stores his surfboards after lessons.

"It was exactly what the doctor ordered," I return the smile as we walk along the marina.

"Good," He nods, "What are you doing for the rest of the day? Slaying the dragon? Meeting up with your friends?"

"I should really go back to Rafe's to talk," I sigh as we reach my parents' shop.

"You want a lift?" He offers, and I'm still amazed by his willing hospitality since what happened with Rafe and I yesterday.

"You don't have to do that," I mutter, leaning my surfboard against the exterior wall of my family's surf bar.

"I'll be your hot, mysterious wingman," He jokes, "Besides, I could really do with having my bed back after that night on the couch."

"I'll take the lift," I reply with a grin as we head into the bar, "But there'll be no need for wingmanning."

My parents are on the mainland visiting new suppliers today, so it's just Maggie behind the bar, who's face drops as I walk in. She places her phone down on the bar and as her solemn facial expression remains consistent, I start to worry.

"Mags, what's wrong?" I ask her, approaching her slowly.

"Nothing's wrong exactly," She tells me, "Just that a group of girls came by earlier for a few drinks, they said that Rafe Cameron is hosting some big blowout party."

"Right," I nod, feeling my heart grow heavy as I realise he's taking this much better than I am, or perhaps, knowing Rafe the way I do, it's just a method of distraction from what's really going on.

"You wanna go see him?" Leo adds, leaning against the front of the bar, "I can drive you, right now."

"Sure," I nod, "You got a car?"

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