Divorce papers

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It was a Friday night. Tommy got home late after work. "Where have you been," Emily questioned. "I was at work." "I swear, you're always putting work and Mia first. I'm your wife, remember?" "What?" "You're putting work first." "How?" "You're always getting. home late these days." "Well, I apologize, but I have a job and I need money to put food on the table." Emily shook her head and rolled her sea-blue eyes, "I can't." "Can't what?" "I can't be with you anymore. Not if you're always going to be putting work first." Emily walked to the door and grabbed the suitcase she had packed earlier that day. "Emily..." "I'm serious, call me when you're done putting work and your partner first. You'll be receiving divorce papers in a few days." Tommy called Mia, "What's up, partner?" "Emily just walked out on me. She's filing for divorce." "I'll be there in about twenty minutes." Mia hung up. 

Twenty minutes later, Mia was there with takeout. "Hey, I brought food." 

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, but I want this story to be a slow-burn.

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