Blind Date

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The next morning, Tommy got a call from his sister. "Hey, you're going on a blind date tonight. Bestia at 8." "What?" "Well, kinda. You've met the person. Just be at Bestia at 8, tonight." "Today's Sunday. I can't because we have family dinner." "I'll explain to everyone. They all know about Emily, already." "I don't know. Remember the last time I went on a blind date?" "Yeah." "I met the woman who just left me. I'm not so sure about this." "You're doing it. I already made the reservation and everything." "Ok." "See you at church. Bye." Erica hung up. "Ok then. That was weird."

At church, before the service started, the family sat in the sanctuary, talking. "I heard you have a date tonight," James said to Tommy. "Yeah, Erica set me up on some blind date." "Ooh, who is it, Mom," Nova asked. "I'm not going to say when Tommy's right there. All I'm saying is it's kinda not a blind date because he's met the person." "I've spent all morning wondering and it's gotten me nowhere," Tommy stated. A few minutes later, the service started.

After church, all of the family (except Tommy) started driving to Fred's house. Tommy drove home. When he was home, he noticed he had a missed call from Mia, so he decided to call her back. "Hey, I just got home and noticed you called me. What's up?" "Hey, I just heard today that Jack is getting out of jail next month." "Who," Tommy asked when Mia didn't use their nickname for her ex. Mia rolled her eyes, "Jackass." "That's more like it. Erica is working on changing that. Right now, there's nothing we can do but pray." "Do you think, if he does get out of jail, he'll still be the same?" "I hope not, but there's no way to really know. If he is, I can promise I'll be here for you." Mia smiled, "Thanks, Tommy." "No problem." After a few minutes of talking, Mia said, "Haha, I have to go get ready now." "For what?" "Oh, uh I can't tell you. I would if I could and I really want to but..." "You can't." "Yeah. Sorry." "It's fine."

At 8:00 p.m., Tommy was at Bestia. "I have a reservation under Erica Mitchell." "Right this way," the waiter said, leading him to a table where Mia was sitting. "So I guess you know what I was getting ready for." "Yeah. I'm guessing Erica told you that you were going on a blind date?" "No, actually, Eva called me this morning and told me. I thought I heard giggling in the background, but I'm not sure." "I'm sure you did, it was probably Nova. I should've known with those three." "Hello, I'm Felix and I'm going to be your waiter tonight. Do you want any drinks or appetizers to start with?" "Could I get the Cheap Sunglasses cocktail, please," Mia requested. "Alright, and for you, sir?" "Could I get the West Coast IPA, please?" "Coming right up." "You have to admit, it was pretty sweet of them," Mia said. "Yeah, you're right. I remember after we decided to stick to being just friends, Nova was really sad." "Really?" "Yeah, everyone was." "You know, after we decided to be just friends, I didn't date anyone out of hopes that we would get back together, but when I saw how happy you were with Emily, I knew there was no chance for me. I had one and I blew it. That's why it hurt so much when you said we were just friends, even though we are." "One Cheap Sunglasses cocktail and West Coast IPA. Are you ready to order," Felix said. "Not yet, could we have a few more minutes to decide?" "Of course," Felix said, walking away. "What do you want to get," Tommy asked. "Maybe the Sage and Mortadella pizza?" "I was thinking the same thing." A few minutes later when Felix returned, they were ready to order. "What can I get for you two?" "Could we get the Sage and Mortadella pizza," Tommy asked. "Absolutely. Coming right up." As they waited for their meal, Tommy and Mia talked. They both laughed about old inside jokes and reminisced about their past adventures together. 

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