I'm your husband²

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"Oh, really?" Seokjin sneered, his laughter echoing through the room as he mockingly caressed the area where Namjoon had kicked him. Slowly rising from the ground, Seokjin winced, his voice laced with a hint of pain. "Fine, perhaps your father will triumph and seize control over Korea, but what about you?"

Namjoon glared at Seokjin, a mix of anger and confusion clouding his expression. Seokjin continued, his voice dripping with malice, "You're now under the government's watchful eye. If word gets out that you are the son of the mosa t notorious mafia leader, engaged in a mission to gather information and plot the destruction of Korea, can you even fathom what people will do to you? The government will exploit you as your father's weakness, but what if he abandons you to die because all he truly desires is power and control over Korea?"

Namjoon's laughter filled the room, a bitter and defiant sound. Seokjin's annoyance grew, his gaze hardening. Namjoon retorted, "Yes, my father may be responsible for the deaths of countless individuals, but for me, he is capable of anything. He will stop at nothing to find me."

Seokjin narrowed his eyes, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Well, thank you for that valuable information, my dear," Seokjin taunted, retrieving his phone and swiftly typing away. Namjoon's confusion turned to dread as realization dawned upon him. He had unknowingly revealed his vulnerability to Seokjin. Gritting his teeth in anger, Namjoon struggled once more against the ropes that bound him, but his efforts proved futile.

With a satisfied smirk, Seokjin finished his task and placed his phone on the nearby table. Slowly approaching Namjoon, he picked up the discarded rope from the floor and began tightly binding Namjoon's legs. Seokjin had no intention of being kicked again. Namjoon desperately tried to halt Seokjin's actions, but it was too late. Seokjin was finished, and Namjoon was at his mercy.

Seokjin straddled Namjoon, pinning him down with his weight. Namjoon desperately wanted to retaliate, but he found himself immobilized. "Baby, perhaps your father made a grave error by neglecting to teach you the importance of concealing your vulnerabilities from your enemies," Seokjin taunted, his voice dripping with malicious amusement.

Namjoon's breath hitched as he felt Seokjin's scorching breath caress his neck. His heart pounded fiercely, a sensation of weakness he detested. He had been meticulously trained to become a ruthless future mafia leader, yet this was the first time someone had exploited his physical vulnerability to force him into submission. Namjoon shut his eyes tightly and pleaded, "Please, stop! Stay away from me!"

Seokjin gazed at him, a smirk playing on his lips. "Why? Is the feared future mafia leader afraid of my touch?" Namjoon couldn't deny it. He despised every contact from Seokjin, but he fought to conceal his revulsion. Seokjin's relentless presence was wearing him down. "If my father discovers what you're doing to me, he will eliminate you, Seokjin," Namjoon threatened, his eyes shutting in exhaustion. He was weary of it all, the pain from the constricting ropes that bound him.

"Oh, really? But what if I were to do something that not only forces you to submit to me, but also weakens your father?" Seokjin remarked, causing Namjoon's eyes to snap open. His heart raced, realizing that his father had no knowledge of his whereabouts, granting Seokjin absolute power to do as he pleased without his consent. Namjoon was genuinely terrified now. "What do you mean?" he inquired, observing Seokjin perusing an aged newspaper, his mind racing with dreadful possibilities.

Then, Namjoon's eyes widened in realization as he absorbed the weight of Seokjin's words. A chilling smirk played on Seokjin's lips as he observed Namjoon's comprehension. "You belong to a merciless family, where marriage is an incredibly delicate matter," Seokjin explained, his voice dripping with sinister knowledge. "Your own father believes that even if you were to marry your sworn enemy, you must dutifully serve them as your family, regardless of the consequences. Even if they were plotting to kill your own father, your loyalty would still lie with your in-laws."

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