I'm sorry

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A/n: Announcement: Hmmm Ahhh I just want to inform all my lovely readers that I don't want to prolong this story in so many chapters that are not that much important. It will become a boring one If I could. And I don't want that to happen. So let's make this story straight to the point but the blush on your faces and giggle and tickle on your imagination will remain the same. Thank you thats all.

Chapter 25

* L's POV *

Once I saw Krystal fell helplessy on the grass I immediately run to her and carry her inside my car while Kris is panicking walking back and forth. He went inside his car trying to escape on what he did.

I fastly drive the car while Krystal's head is leaning on Jessica's lap at the second row seat.

As we reached the hospital I quickly call for a nurse and they put Krystal inside the emergency room.

I ruffled my hair in disappointment in myself. I punch the wall and kick it hardly. I sat down the ground insanely while holding my head.

I felt Jessica's hand touching my back. "She will be alright" I chin up and meet her face. She was sad and worried.

I didn't realize tears starts to roll down my cheeks continuesly. I bowed my head and hide it in my arms.

Why am I so much affected?

I should be making memories with Jessica right now but I can't help myself to be so much worried about Krystal. I'm the reason why she is lying there.

After some minutes had past the doctor came out and pull out his mask "Are you the relatives?" He asked

"Yes doc., what?" I asked panickingly

"It's really hard to tell you this. I don't see any possibilities for her ... to live" my world ends up that easy.

I can't breathe. I want to kill Kris right now, I want to punch, knife him all over his body. I want him to die.

My heart shattered into pieces. I shouldn't not be feeling like this. But then, she really become part of my life. I used to live with her.

"No doc!" I shouted as my knees fall down because I'm totally trembling now.

Jessica help me to sit down the near chair. "I'm really sorry but that's the truth. For now, only the machines, and dextrose is helping her to live but when we removed them all. She will die"

"Is there anything possible solution to save her?" Jessica asked, I am lack of words to speak out.

"Yes there is" as I heard his positive response I lift up my head to see them both, Jessica smile but still the doctor looks unhappy

"But very rare to do it. Someone that is vitally compatible with her, will be exchanging his or her heart to the patient but indeed the donor will die inexchange. Ofcourse no person can live without a heart. And in our patients situation the bullet hitted her heart hardly. So yes, that's the one and only way" he answered. My enlightened heart a while ago darkens again.

"B*llshit!" I exclaimed

"Excuse me for a while" the doctor bid and walked out, I punched the chair down once more.

Yes, she didn't suffer to Kris's hand but she will die. Whatta bad luck!!!

"L, please be calm" Jessica whispered in my ear as she hugged me from my side

"How can I calm when I know that Krystal is in danger" I mumbled still crying.

"So .. You love her" with that I faced Jess suddenly, she is just smiling halfheartedly.

"I know it L. I can feel it on your care. How you worry for her. Look, a man will cry for some really odd reason and maybe that would be because of his love once. And how you act right now, I know that you really does--"


"Don't deny it L. It's alright. I understand you. I become so braveless on our relationship. I'm not the girl deserving for you L. And I know Krystal would be that girl" she said as she hugged me and she stood up and walked away from me.

I just cupped my forehead and lean back the wall.

"I'm sorry Jess, but I think you are right" I muttered.

* Jessica's POV*

I know I'm not the girl he want to be with right now. I know it's Krystal. I'm not mad or what but eventually I'm hurt. I feel so stupid.

I left him for a couple of years ..

I comeback but he has with someone else that I'm pretty sure making him happy ..

Then, he really care for me. Sacrificing his Friend? For me. Yeah maybe she is just a friend, but in my eyes they are more than that.

I can't blame him because first, it's all my fault. Secondly is .. It's not impossible for a guy alone to fall inlove to a girl around him. Especially when he is thirsty on loving back.

"Maybe I have to let you go and give you all your happiness you want to have L, despite of all what I've done you really chose to exchange her for me just to sure I'm safe. And now, I can sense that If I will do this. Everyone will be happy" I said to myself facing the altar.

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A/n: V•O•T•E

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