That's how it all began

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Hey my sweet readers, how are you all? I am sorry for taking out the story but I figured that you deserved the best of my efforts. And that is the reason I decided to improve my story line. So I hope you all like it. So agar aap sab ko zara bhi pasand aaye to please pretttyyyy please don't forget to vote and comment. It encourages me to put more efforts in my writing.

Love you allll, hope you enjoyeeee


Amyra Shahzeb



I walked through the galleries of the coffee shop I had been visiting everyday for the past two years. Part of the reason for the visit was the peaceful ambiance. I loved sitting in there for hours, reading books. The place had such relaxing vibes and it would be complete injustice if someone entered and left just after having a cup of coffee.

Part of the reason was him, the young man I had been crushing on since the past two years.

"The usual, mam?" he stood there waiting for my order, raising an eyebrow at me. I smiled and nodded and he walked away. My gaze lingered at him for a moment longer until he completely disappeared at the back.

His name was Ashar and he had been waiting on tables here, part time for the past two years.He was studying law. He had this habit of maintaining profession when on his shift and that was admirable on my part. I really liked people who took work seriously. And right now he was just interested in orders and tips.

Now, how did I ended up having a crush on him? It happened two years ago when I was having a really bad day. I had turned 19 and no one remembered that it was my birthday. Baba had gone to India for some work affair with Daddu(my grandfather), and I was here left alone. I didn't feel like celebrating anyways. As I was sitting alone, lost in thoughts at the bus station, I found that wallet was missing. I was on the verge of tears. I had left my car in the garage because Baba was still skeptic to give me the wheel. I hadn't learnt to drive properly. I sat down dejected, holding my head, wondering if my mom was alive, would I have felt so lonely? At least I would have someone to call and go home to. Perhaps she would pick me up in this situation. As my mind was boggled with all these thoughts, someone nudged my shoulder.

"Excuse me miss," he had said, "Is this yours?"

I looked up at him and that was how we first met. Ashar.

I blinked at him and at the wallet and finally came back to my senses and took it from his hand.

"Thank you, thank you," I got up and wiped my tears, looking at him gratefully

"Are you crying because you lost it?" he asked. I noticed his grayish blue eyes and its edges crinkling as I smiled at me. He must have thought what a foolish person I was to drop such an important thing. It had my debit cards and money and learner's license.

"It's okay," he said, "Things happen. The important thing right now is that you found it back."

I nodded at him, wiping my tears and smiling at him. The bus arrived.

"Are you boarding this one?" he asked. I nodded.

"Let's go then," he smiled at me and I followed. He sat beside me in the bus and talked to me all the while. He told me that he was giving his LSAT's at that time and was working at this cafe part time.

"Why don't you come with me?" he asked, "We can have a cup of coffee before my shift starts.

"It would be better than celebrating my birthday alone at home," I told him.

"Oh, it's your birthday. Haven't you got any friends to spend time with?" he asked.

"I do, but no one is around at this time. And I feel lonely today," I sighed. I felt better in his company though.

"Maybe they want to surprise you," he said, "Have a cup of coffee and go home. I think they might be planning a surprise for you."

"Really? You think so?" I smiled at his words.

"Sure," he said, "Now hurry up. I can't spare much time. I have my shift," he said.

I nodded and we walked to the coffee shop from the bus station. It was not far from home. I loved that time and that place so much that I ended up having an affair on both, that coffee shop and the one who worked there, Ashar. "

This is going to be my favorite place from now on," I declared.

Ashar got up and smiled, "Glad that I made a new customer."

He got up and changed into his work clothes and his demeanor changed into a professional one. And he was right that day. Baba and all my friends had planned a birthday bash for me. It was one of the best.


"Ready to leave?" Ashar's voice pulled me out of the past. His brown bangs were falling over his forehead. He was dressed up in a plain white t shirt and jeans.

"Yup," I said, leaving my empty cup of coffee and gathering my books. I was completing my assignment was nearly finished.

Two years later now, he calls me one of his best friends and unbeknownst to him, I call him my crush, my unrequited love.

"Do you want me to wait till you finish?" he asked, looking at my books.

"I'll do that home. I'm early anyways. Its due on Friday," I said, while he nodded.

"Where were you taking me?" he asked as we walked out.

"I saw you were searching for the tickets for Ant-man," I smiled, "So I thought I would watch it with you."

Ashar's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You like that genre?" he asked in surprise.

"Of course," I said. I hadn't watched a marvel movie in reality. I just wanted to try something he loved.

He smiled at me knowingly and shook his head, walking towards his car. He had recently bought one and I didn't know how he could afford that. I sat in the passenger seat and shut the door and we drove off.

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