When the wind blows and the fire erupts

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Hey my dear readers. I hope you guys are doing okay. So here's a new chapter for you all. But before that, I would love if you all check my insta id for teasers which I post a day before posting my chapters.


Love you all. Enjoy your read. 

Amyra Shahzeb,



"So do you like him, Amyra?" Baba asked me.

"Baba, he is a just a friend," I replied, innocently, " He was just helping me."

"But what happened to you? Are you okay? You shouldn't have gone out with him alone. He could have spiked you."

"He is decent, Baba, nothing like you think about him," I tried to justify. I didn't like him talking about him that way, especially when he didn't know about him at all.

"How did you faint?" Baba asked me sternly.

I sighed, looking at him. 

"What?" He asked, impatiently looking at me for an answer.

Would I look like a crazy person if I told him? I think I should tell him the truth.

"I was attacked in the bathroom. A woman tried to kill me," I said, expecting an unbelievable stare from him. "I don't know, but as far as I remember, I was attacked."

"What?" Baba's eye's widened in horror. There was a flash of disturbance in his eyes.

"Did you know her?" he asked, frowning. He was clearly worried.

"No, Baba, I was so scared. I thought I was going to die. She had no reflection in the mirror and she seemed like some ghost. I really tried to defend myself but she was holding my throat. She had talons instead of finger nails and she was holding me to the wall, she was holding my throat." I shivered and tears fell down. I didn't even realise that I had begun to cry. Baba walked to me and wrapped me in his arms. I felt safe.

"Ashar was the one who saved you?" he asked softly, caressing my hair gently, calming me down. I nodded and he engulfed me in a hug.

"He killed the woman," I tried not to cry anymore. I shivered at the way Ashar had pulled out her heart. My father believed me. He didn't call me crazy. But why? I was too disheveled to ask any question right now.

"Call Ashar over for dinner. I want to thank him personally," he said, moving back now and patting my head. I nodded at him. He asked me to rest and decided to walk back to his room.


Ashar picked up the phone as soon as I called. Why was he awake at this time? It was almost 3 at night. Perhaps he was also disturbed about today's incident.

"Were you waiting for the call?" I asked him, trying to lighten up.

"Yes, I was worried about you," he said, sincerely.

"I am fine now," I blushed at his words. He was worried for me.

"What did your father say? He looked like he would kill me," he chuckled. Ahh! The sound of his laugh, one of my favorites.

"You carried his only daughter in your arms," I told him.

"Your father told you that?" he asked.

"Yes, and he told me I shouldn't trust you," I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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