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Requested by QuinnMcmahon4

(Jakes pov)
Me and Johnnie were in class 'ugh I wish I was with Johnnie right now I think I should tell tara that I like johnnie' I think to myself I was cut of with the teacher "Jake webber?" Ms h ( h is for hoe) said " Oh yeah? " I ask "What's the answer to number 10?" Ms h said "uhh what was the question again?" I ask " never mined. "ms h said the rang to go home and I looked for Tara "TARA!" I yelled " JAKE! " Tara yelled "can I um tell you somthing?" I ask scared for my life
"UH YES OF COURSE"tara said "I- i like johnnie!" I said " I KNEW IT SOSKAMAJDN" tara yelled "HEY GUYS! WANNA COME OVER?" Johnnie yelled " yeah sure but I'll be right back" I said as I went over to johnnie's locker next to mine so I acted like I was going over to my locker I opened Johnnie locker ( I KNOW THERE LIKE LOCKS BUT I DIDN'T MAKE IT THAT FAR!) And put a not and I had ' Hey I really like you! I would like to go out on a date blah blah blah' and I put the letter 'j' for a hint "COME ON JAKEEE WE NEED TO GO!" tara and Johnnie said " IN COMINGGGG" I yelled "WOAH I'M SCHOOL?" Johnnie said " shut up " I said and we went in the car

We got to school me and jake have the same class so we walk together "Johnnie your backpack" Jake said pointing to my backpack "oh shit I forgot come with me please" I said "what you scared a moster gonna eat you?" Jake said " shut up dumbass" I said and we walked to my locker "Hey you wanna skip school they won't care anyways" Jake said " FUCK YEAH! " I said as I open my lock and see a note? "Ooo what's this IT'S A LOVE NOTE OMFG" I said reading it " it's has to be a guy because I'm gay" I said (PRETEND JOHNNIES GAY) 'I hope it's jake' I thought to myself  "yeah no shit" Jake said covering his facing saying he needs to coucth (how the. Fuck do you. Spell coutch I'm dixylece I hate that word.) "ooo anyways proms in a few day are you gonna go with anyone" I ask because felt like it.

I'm borad so that's all you get be greatfull  because I'm gonna try to post 2-3 times a week because I get lazy a lot BYEEEEYEEEE

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