Truths and Lies

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Nightflame POV

Nightflame got up at 3:00 a.m. and she wasn't really tired at all, because she was used to waking up early anyways. I went to bed at 10:00 p.m. again?! Uhg! I need to get a better sleep schedule. Nightflame thought to herself.

Nightflame got out of bed and got dressed, and she took her medication in the morning as well, so she wouldn't forget to take them later in the day.
"I am going to have a busy day today, I guess." Nightflame said to herself.

Nightflame was still in her room, because she didn't want to wake infinite up, so she grabbed her headphones and her phone and she started to listen to music. Which helps her think much clearer, and do things much better as well.

Nightflame went onto her phone and went to see what kind of music she is going to listen to in the morning."What should I listen to?" She asked herself, while she is on her phone. After sometime of looking on her phone, she finally found a song she is going to listen too.

She went to the music video, and she started to listen to, Posion from the Hazibin hotel season. Nightflame loved this song, and then she started to sing the song to herself.

"Because I know your posion, your feeding me posion..." Nightflame started to sing to herself, and yes... she listen to a lot of random music videos. She grabbed her amethyst necklace, and her really special necklace... Her thor's hammer necklace.

She started to draw and she didn't really pay any attention to the time at all. I wonder what I will do today... What should I do today? She thought to herself.

Nightflame went upstairs to get something to eat(Even though she doesn't eat much at all), then her phone started ringing. Who in the Nine worlds is calling me at 4 in the morning?! Nightflame thought to herself.

She wandered the call,"Hello?" She asked, she had no idea who this was."Nightflame, it's me..Shadow" said the person. You got to be kidding me right now! Nightflame didn't even like Shadow, actually she hated Shadow.

"What do you want, Shadow?" Nightflame asked, with an annoyed tone in her voice."I was just going to ask you...If we can just...Talk later today? And you can bring someone with you, if you want. I don't care." Shadow said.

Okay, why does Shadow want to talk to me... I hope it's nothing stupid again. She thought to herself, but Nightflame started to get impatient with Shadow.

"Yeah, yeah...Whatever, now good-bye." Nightflame hanged up, and then she sighed with relief. But, why did Shadow want to talk to her? Well, Nightflame didn't know, and she didn't want to know.

"I think infinite is awake now." Nightflame said to herself, but she didn't want to wake infinite up at all though. Nightflame said something to herself and continued to make herself some breakfast.

After a while, Nightflame heard something come from infinite's room. What in the Nine worlds was that? And why did the sound come from infinite's room? She thought to herself, and she went to check on infinite.

Nightflame got to Infinite's room, and she opened the door to find infinite still asleep, but he was muttering to himself.
"Oh...Poor infinite...He is having a nightmare..." Nightflame whispered to herself, a little worried about infinite.

So, Nightflame walked over to infinite's bed, she sat down on the ground, and she placed her hand on infinite's hand. Nightflame could tell that Infinite was having a bad nightmare, so Nightflame just put her head on Infinite's hand and she fell asleep.

Nightflame could tell that he is starting to calm down from the nightmare he was having. I hope infinite is Okay, he seem scared of his nightmare... Does he always have nightmares? And what are they about? Are they about his past or something? Nightflame thought to herself.

Nightflame was worried about infinite, and she just wanted to help infinite the best she can, and she want to let infinite know that he didn't have to do this alone anymore.

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