chapter 14: lets get a move on!

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A/N: I will be writing the first part of this chapter with my other writing style since it's just easier to write it this way instead of my main way of writing the chapters. And just letting you know, I will use this different writing style when it is necessary for the chapter

[narrator POV]

Both groups have figured out each of their own plans with the intel they have gotten from allies, or other group members in general. And today was the day that both groups would launch the plan. However, Phoenix would be the only one who would be aware of how challenging it will be for everyone. Both groups were sleeping right now since they know for a fact that Krystal would not try to find them due to her lack of protection.

[Phoenix POV] {Location: Unknown}

I was wandering around in this sort of void with oil being the only thing I could technically walk on. I tried to figure out some sort of propose to this but only to find some sort of line of code that had the AbsoluteSolver symbol with it. I kept looking around but it kept getting darker and darker the more I wandered around. I then saw a small drone in the distance, sitting in the oil, and once I saw this, I started to run over to them to help. As I got closer their appearance became clearer. Their appearance consisted of black hair with while ombre towards the bottom half, a grey jacket with some sort of pinkish flower on the back of it, and the drone seemed to have been fidgeting with something.

Phoenix: Hello

The drone then quickly took of their jacket and stood up on some mechanical spider legs that came from their back, which I assumed was the drone's way of defending itself.

???: Who are you?

They had the same voice as the Russian girl I had heard earlier.

Phoenix: I heard your voice earlier. My name is Phoenix and I mean you no harm.

The drone then lowered themselves.

Russian female: Do you know why you are here?

Phoenix: No, but it would be really nice to know your name.

Russian female: you'll know... eventually.

Phoenix: So, I'm going to assume that you know why either of us are here?

Russian female: You have heard the AbsoluteSolver. I have heard it too and one of us two will be the next host.

Phoenix: and why are you telling me this?

Russian female: *sigh* it's because the Solver is on Krystal's side. If you don't defeat Krystal then you being the next host will be inevitable. However, if you defeat her, then I will have a greater chance of being the next host, and I might be able to resist the Solver, but you will still have a small chance of being the next host.

Phoenix: ok and one main thing that concerns me is how the heck are you able to talk to me through my dreams?

Russian female: This isn't a dream, it's a way that we can interact with each other, since we can both hear people's thoughts, including each other's.

Phoenix: Well, how do I, well... wake up?

Russian female: when someone on the outside wakes you or me.

Phoenix: but until that happens. How could we defeat Krystal and this Solver?

R: Krystal is powerful just on her own and can take control of anyone who has given her their loyalty, with one example being your murder drone friend. Fang was her name right?

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