New year ,new me

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(Tori got up from her bed lazy she had one more day of cheer camp and than she could go home to her dogs )

(She had her necklace on which she never took off she walked out of the cabin and she saw people going on the zipline she had to do it too)

Bucky:your late Victoria
Victoria:fuck off bucky no one has time for your voice so early in the morning
Bucky:just start

(She gets on the zipline before going done she sees some boy in the woods looking at her he had fangs with long brown hair and one white strek he had a glowing things around his neck she got to the end and looked back at the place but he was gone )

Addison:you okay tori
Victoria:fine thanks for asking addie

(Soon they packed up and headed to the bus and they were driving when Victoria started reading)

Victoria:Addison will you go to prawn with

(She said as the bus hit the pole and than the bus went into the forbidden forest)


(She ran out if the bus and Victoria was behind her she looked back to see the same boy from last time looking at her he smiled at her and she returned the smile and than looked for addison )

Victoria:addie you okay
Zed:I am fine
Victoria:you better he let's get these people back home

(Soon they got back to school and their was a thing for people who wanted to become president and bonzo accidentally pushed zed with his trumpet and zed was now on the stage)

Zed:I am running
Bucky:what a zombie president
Victoria:anyone can run dipshit stop being mean cause you know he is gonna win you anyway
Zed:thanks vickie like I said I gonna make school better for everyone and anything I wanna make school comfortable for zombies,human

(Everyone started running when the werewolves attacked)

Willa:Wyatt I thought you said there was one white haired girl
Wyatt:I only saw one and it was her with the necklace
Wyatt:yeah sorry for barging in
Addison:it fine
Willa:we wanna become apart of your school
Zed:no way
Victoria:zed stop being mean
Zed:Vickie they were trying to kill us a minute ago
Victoria:I wouldn't let them and neither would you so calm down and let's talk this out
Wynter:what do you mean by you wouldn't let us

Willa:what are you
Victoria:I am a
Zoey:Zed look at the wolfie
Wynter:I am not a wolfie I am a werewolf kid
Zed:step away from my sister
Victoria:zed calm down nothing to be mad about okay we are fine now why don't you take zoey home
Zed:okay you coming over for dinner tonight
Victoria:sure dad would tell if I didn't
Zoey:see you soon tori
Victoria:zee you soon zoe

(She goes with zed and Victoria turns to the werewolves who are looking at her weird)

Willa:your father is a zombie
Victoria:no zed's dad is like my dad basically since I moved here after my mother died the last family I had my dad died in a car accident when I was three
Wyatt:sorry for your loss
Victoria:it's fine
Bucky:are you seriously talking to some monster
Victoria:don't forget what I am bucky and I can easily tear you up if you keep not thinking before talking

(He runs out and she looks at addison and the wolves )

Victoria:shall we

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