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(Victoria looked at the pack and she started walking but than she remembered)

Victoria:I am gonna go change meet you in the cafeteria

(She walks to the cheerleading girls lockers and she gets her clothes and gets dressed)

Victoria:what did I miss

(She said entering the cafeteria)

Wyatt:so what are your names
Victoria:I am Victoria owen you can call me tori or vickie if you like
Wyatt:how about princess
Victoria:don't push it
Wyatt:hard to get I like it
Victoria:oh okay
Addison:I am addison wells
Willa:so what's up with the necklace
Victoria:family heirloom
Wynter:what does it do
Addison:well Victoria can turn into a werewolf or she can switch back to a human with the moonclaw

(He looked at her in the eyes and she looked back at him before she heard her name being called)

Victoria:yes big guy

(She walks to him and he starts talking in zombie tong)

Victoria:okay speak slow

(She starts listening and than she understands)

Victoria:okay so why haven't you told her
Bonzo:she not like monster
Victoria:I don't think so I think she likes you alot you just have to tell her how you feel bonzo

(Victoria sees bree entering and she walks over to her)

Victoria:hi breezie
Bree:hi vickie what's up
Victoria:oh just bonzo wanted to talk to you
Bree:okay thanks

(She walks over to him and Victoria showed thumbs up )

Addison:what goes on there
Victoria:he is having trouble asking her to be his girlfriend

(They both jump at his sudden appearance)

Victoria:fuck you
Zed:sorry I didn't mean to scare you but what are we looking at
Addison:bonzo asking bree to be his girlfriend
Zed:he can get scared anss nervous easily
Victoria:well than I will help him

(She looked over at the two who were jow smiling at each other not saying a word)

Victoria:guys look
Willa:what is it
Zed:you think worked
Victoria:I am about to go find out

(She walks over to their table and she stands their )

Victoria:yes big guy
Bree:we are dating
Victoria:great finally damn toke you long enough
Bree:thanks for helping us I hope you find your special someone soon
Victoria:thanks excuse me now I need to swing by my house

(She hugs them and she walks over to zed and addison while the wolf pack watch her )

Victoria:they are dating
Zed:my man
Victoria:anyway I have to go feed my dogs than I am coming over zed
Zed:okay see their I have walk addison home
Victoria:call him you want me to com pick you up
Zed:will do

(She kissed his cheek and she grabs her stuff and she walks out she hears her name being called she stands still)

Wyatt:would you like to go on a date with me sometime
Victoria:why should I
Wyatt:because I would really like to get to know you better
Victoria:fine after school tomorrow
Wyatt:and you look beautiful

(She looks at him and she blushes as she walks out gets in her car and drives home )

Victoria:hi babies

(She played with them and she gave them food )

Victoria:I will he back soon

(She walk  out of the house and she got back in her car and she started driving to zombie town she got to zed's house she saw some wolves walking around in the street )

Victoria:is that wyatt why is he laying on the in street

(She got out of the car and she walked to him )

Victoria:wyatt wyatt can you hear me
Wyatt:yeah I am fine thanks
Victoria:you don't look fine wait a minute let me get you to the car
Wyatt:I am fine
Victoria:your not so stop being so fucking stubborn and let me help you

(She helped him up and to her car than she let him lay and she walked into the house to tell zed she had a emergency and she toke wyatt to her house)

Wyatt:you live here
Victoria:yeah no shut it and rest so I can clean you up

(She helped with his wounds and she layed him.on her bed and she layed on the couch and soon fell asleep he stood up annd picked her up placed her on the bed with him)

(They fell asleep cuddling each other)

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