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"So anyone ideas to improve the structure of the house?", Kara asked.
"I mean, maybe some paint would defintely work", Tarpona replied. 
Tarpona walked over to the objectives board. 
"Looks like we've gotta do some tree-chopping, if we really want to improve our cabin", Tarpona said.
"Do we have an axe?", Shaku asked.
"Nah", Tarpona answered. "But I'll try to get a weapon as soon as possible".
Tarpona walked out of the door and looked at the clueless ruenyas.
"I'll be right back", Tarpona said as he closed the door.

"Well this is awkward", Kara said. They all stared at eachother like they were paintings.
"I really have no clue what to do here", Kega said.
"We can uh... play a game?", Shaku suggested.
"Any ideas?", Kara replied.
"I have no clue...", Shaku said.
"I have an idea", Kega said while smiling gruesomely. "Let's go through Tarpona's notes!".
"I mean, we don't have anything else to do, so... sure", Kara and Shaku agreed.
Kega ran to Tarpona's miniscule desk with a lot of paper, and read what it said.
"Yesterday's log", Kega read. "Ruenya guards invaded the cabin, anti-ruenya establishment, analysation of-". 
Before he could finish his sentence, a soft knocking came from the door.
"I suppose you better put those away", Shaku said while Kara walked to the door and opened it. 
"I've got the weapons!", Tarpona said.
"W-weapons?", Kara stuttered.
"Find out for yourself!", Tarpona replied as he grabbed multiple blades out of a box. He grabbed two curved short blades and gently threw them at Shaku.
"Daggers?", Shaku asked.
"Whatever you call them! It's just a clump of metal!", Tarpona replied.
Tarpona grabbed a javelin and a rapier out of the box. He gave the rapier to Kega and the Javelin to Kara. 
"Don't forget the shield!", Tarpona said as he threw a small shield towards Kara. 

Tarpona guided the ruenyas to the forest area again. 
"You see, I added marks to these trees yesterday night while you were all sleeping. Hit the tree there a few times, it should become a log sooner or later", he said, then walked away.
"Understood", the trio replied.
They started chopping down trees, but got tired very quickly. 
"How about we roll some tree for the change?", Kega suggested.
The others nodded and agreed.
They rolled the freshly chopped logs, fallen fruits and dry branches over to their cabin.
"Can we make a camping site?", Kara asked
"No", Tarpona said. "Fire near a wood house? That's death".
"Please...", Shaku and Kega begged as well.
"Fine, but don't attach the wood to the cabin, and preferably keep it far away please", Tarpona said, slightly annoyed. 

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