Chapter 2

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The other side of the call was dead silent for a good few seconds before Chrollo burst out with laughter. Feitan's face twisted and he looked even more uncomfortable than he usually does.

When Chrollo's laughter finally died down, he replied.

"Were you being serious?"

Feitan kept his eyes shut, mostly to avoid having to look at Hisoka. "Yes."

"Oh." Chrollo responded. "Well. Go and get him, then."

Feitan nodded as if Chrollo could see him and hung up the phone. He dared to open his eyes at this point, handing the phone back to Hisoka.

"We should get going," he said, standing up. "Now."

He was already halfway to the door when Hisoka picked himself up and followed along.

"Are we walking?" he asked.

Feitan only snickered in response.


Three minutes later, they had a car. The former owner was sprawled out on the side of the freeway, most likely dead. Hisoka had gotten in the driver's seat, and Feitan sat in the passenger seat. However, they quickly realized that the vehicle was nearly out of gas and had pulled into a gas station.

"Wait," Hisoka said.


"How do we steal gas?" he asked.

Feitan shrugged, opening the door and stepping out of the car.

"Like this."

A mere few seconds later, Feitan had opened the door of the car ahead of them, pulled the owner out, and gotten in. He waited for Hisoka to catch up and get in the car. He locked the doors just as the owner was about to try to open it again, and drove off.

Hisoka was impressed, but this wasn't out of the ordinary for members of the Phantom Troupe.

"Nice work," Hisoka said, buckling his seatbelt.

"They don't let just anyone into the troupe," Feitan replied.

"Of course not," Hisoka said, looking away suspiciously. "You must've had quite a bit of experience, though." Hisoka mused in an attempt to change the subject.

Feitan didn't feel like talking about his tragic past right then, so he just didn't reply. Hisoka frowned and pulled out his phone to play a quick game of Tetris while they headed for the county jail.

When they pulled into the parking lot, Feitan parked in the space completely crooked. He didn't care, though. He was just there to save his friend.

He and Hisoka made their way to the front door of the building. The guards that weren't dead almost immediately were running for their lives as the pair made their way to the back, looking for Shalnark.

While Hisoka made his way through the row of cells, looking for Shalnark, Feitan began setting his bomb.

When Hisoka spotted his target, he reached through the bars withs his really long arms and grabbed Shalnark by the front of his shirt and pulled him through.

"Wah!" Shalnark said.

Hisoka threw him over his shoulder and carried him out of the jail. He quickly set him down in the car before locking it and making his way back to the jail to meet up with Feitan.

Feitan had just lit a match to set the bomb off when Hisoka arrived.

"Get ready to run," he warned as he threw the match towards the bomb. However, it didn't go off because the match missed the bomb and landed on the floor a few feet away from it.

"Dammit," he said, going to light another match.

"Give me that!" Hisoka interrupted, taking the box of matches from Feitan. He lit them all at once and threw them towards the bomb.

They raced back to the car at top speed and drove away from the explosion. But Shalnark hadn't put on his seatbelt, so he was tumbling around in the back.

Hisoka laughed, swerving the car onto the highway, headed back to the troupe HQ.

Shalnark goes to jailWhere stories live. Discover now