Chapter 15

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Gojo was something else. She couldn't even begin to describe him. And with their two new "teachers" things were getting even more out of hand. Gojo Satoru has changed. And he's been changing for weeks now. She could see it, Inumaki could see. Hell, even Panda could see it.

And it was all because of that son of a bitch Osamu Dazai. He came, started dividing them and it was only a matter of time until he had conquered them all. Maki had no doubt these were his intentions. At least not anymore, seeing as Dazai was wiggling his tail after Gojo, being all over him in all ways possible. And in some ways, she wished to forget about it.

But this wasn't the time for sinking into her thoughts that had plagued her mind for days. Because Itadori Yuji was alive and Itadori Yuji just jumped out of a metal box on wheels.

Megumi and Nobara's reactions weren't what Satoru had expected, judging by the fall of his smile and the pout on Dazai's face. She immediately knew whose idea it was to scare the shit out of them with the walking dead. And she most certainly wasn't a fan of it.

She couldn't get her displeasure across due to Miwa pushing her out of the way. Seriously, Maki couldn't understand what the girl was seeing in Gojo Satoru of all people. The man was childish and annoying. Worst of all, he wasn't even teaching half of the time. So, the girl's crush was stupid and unreasonable.

Maki sighed loud enough for the Kyoto students to hear and spun her spear around, propping it on her shoulder.

"Should we start with the event?" Because if they didn't, she would hurt somebody, and she didn't want blood on the white pavement. She knew how much Yaga spend yearly for the school to look good.

"Always the kill joy, aren't you Maki?"

Just perfect. The last thing she thought she would do today was talk to her twin. Maki had planned on ignoring her until the end of the event. But seeing as her favorite sibling was looking for a fight, she would oblige.

"Like there would be any of your "joy" in a room with your presence in it."

Maki spun around, grabbed Inumaki and Panda and pulled them towards the forest. The event was about to start, and she refused to fill her head with arguments about stupid things. And she would most certainly think about Gojo and Osamu later.


He felt like a kid seated next to Satoru so the man could keep an eye on him while the room slowly filled with staff from the faculty of the two schools. This whole event was idiotic in his opinion and he was slowly wasting away from the boredom.

"You look rough." Satoru teased, like he always did, but there was something different in his tone. Something Dazai immediately caught.

"You sound like it." It was easy to retort and convey his question in one sentence. He didn't want other curios ears to hear them.

Satoru didn't respond, eyes darkening to something twisted. Dazai grinned. So Gojo Satoru the saint was finally showing his true colors.

"There's no information about Kenjaku. I don't know where you heard his name, but such a man doesn't exist." Satoru whispered, his hot breath hitting Dazai's ear.

"Maybe it's because he's not human. Have you thought about it?" Dazai frowned, crossing his arms and leaning back in the dark chair provided for all the teachers in the room.

"I would have felt the presence of such a high graded curse."

Dazai clicked his tongue, biting back a comment. After all Satoru wasn't always using his Six Eyes, not since Dazai was into the equation. This Kenjaku creature could have always used the time to sneak around Tokyo undetected. And who was to say the curse couldn't hide his energy? That was a possibility too. Or if he wasn't in Japan at all.

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