Chapter 1-A Rude Awakening

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I was immediately on my feet, or at least I would be if I wasn't struggling with the surprisingly big bed and blankets. Eventually though, I escaped the grasp of the shockingly soft bed, and I got a good look around the room. And what I saw confirmed my fears.

This room was nothing like my other apartment bedroom. Unlike the grey of my apartment, this was a rich shade of maroon. And instead of it being a small room with nothing, this room basically had everything a rich person has. Lamps, closets galore, nightstands, and a crystal ball? That one was confusing.

But at this point, I needed to find something to defend myself with, just in case. And so, I looked around the room, finding nothing in the drawers, and when I checked ghe closet, I was confused to see my usual clothes I wear casually. I then close it again and open it once more, hoping for something a bit more appropriate to blend in with this setting, and much more regal clothes, fit for a nobleman of the medieval era appeared.

I simply closed the closet door slowly as I walked back towards the bed, and picked up the crystal ball. Perhaps I could throw it? But I'm not exactly the best throw. My thoughts would be interrupted though by the sound of a door opening, and I froze as I looked over to see what opened the door.

What stood at the door, was a young woman, who looked to be in her mid-20s. She had long, black hair and a simple black dress. She would have been pale, and would have almost shining green eyes. However, the most shocking thing I could see, was two small, grey-ish horns, and a red pointed tail on this woman as well.

It would have been a rather long staring contest between the two of us, neither of us blinking, simply waiting for the other to make the first move.

And that was when I threw the crystal ball. It was a rather weak throw, and she would have caught it in a small panic, as I immediately went to the other side of the room.

"Stay back! I know how to fight! Sorta... Whatever! Who are you? Where am I? What are you gonna do to me? I'm not having my soul taken today!" I would have exclaimed, simply raising my fists up as if I was ready to fight, when in reality, I wasn't.

She would have looked nervous for a moment, as she took a deep breath in, and set the crystal ball down as she began talking.

"I do advise you to calm yourself, my lord. I can answer your questions. My name is Lilith, your humble advisor. You are currently within the castle of the Demonic Empire, within the Volcanic wastes," She calmly explained as she would look to the side nervously. "And I am not going to take your soul. That would be counterproductive, and I cannot perform that sort of magic. I am not going to do anything if you don't wish."

This just brought up even more questions. At least I got a name. And what did she mean by magic? And- did she call me her lord? That was the most prominent question.

"Did you just call me your lord? Why? I don't recall doing anything that deserved that." I said, extremely confused as I raised an eyebrow. She would have simply sighed in response.

"It is because you are my lord. You are the new Demon King, meant to bring this place back to its former glory." She would have said, closing her eyes as she placed her hands together in front of her.

I, on the other hand, would simply stare at her incredibly confused. Me? A Demon King? Am I having some sort of fever dream? Am I dead? Am I in hell? In response to these questions, I proceeded to simply slap my face in response, eliciting a surprised reaction from Lilith.

From the stinging pain, this isn't some sort of dream. This is a real thing, and so, I simply laugh, both in confusion and fear. What was I supposed to do? I got my wish, and now I'm in this mess!

It was then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I sharply turned around, revealing a rather worried Lilith, simply standing there with her hand on my shoulder. She would clear her throat a bit, and would speak up.

"Perhaps you need some time to become more acquainted with your situation. I shall take my leave and wait outside your chambers. I will give you a tour of your keep when you are ready." She explained in a calm manner, before simply walking back the way she came, closing the door behind her.

I was now alone with my thoughts. That moment with Lilith surprisingly quelled my fears. She could have easily done something, but she didn't. She always spoke as if she was afraid of me, when it should be the opposite. Maybe this was a chance at a better life. Maybe I could make the most of this.

And so, I would open the closet once more, revealing a line of the regal clothes from before, simply in a Maroon and black style as I took one of the suits. It looked somewhat from the Victorian era, but it looked good for a king to wear around the halls.

And so, with surprisingly little effort, I put on this new look, and looked at the crystal ball. It was completely opaque, and I wished it could have acted at least as a mirror.

And just when I thought that, the crystal ball began to glow, and showed my reflection. It was slightly different than before. I still had my short, ruffled black hair and my fair skin color, but it was completely unblemished, which was a surprise to me.

However, the most shocking change, was that instead of my grey-ish blue eyes, it was now an incredibly vivid red. Perhaps it came with the change in worlds or whatnot. But it didn't matter. Fully checking my reflection, and I was looking good. And so, I would step towards the door, placing my hand on the handle.

And then, I took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out as I walked into a new, unknown world, with possible adventures that I may regret taking part in.

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