Chapter 2-A New, Hellish Norm

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When I stepped out of the room I woke up in, I was greeted with more ornate hallways. It seemed like I was inside of a mansion, or a castle in this case. And I would have been met with Lilith once more. She would have been standing there beside the door with her eyes closed, waiting for me to come out which was a little creepy to be honest.

She then opened her eyes, clearly listening as the door was rather audible. It's hard to sneak by someone right by the door when it's very squeaky. Someone needs to oil the hinges on that door or something.

"Ah, I see you're ready, uniform and all. Please follow me, I will give you the grand tour of your keep," She would have said calmly, simply walking down the hall as I followed close behind. I will admit, it was a very good looking place. Definitely some place I would love living in, if it was in my budget back at my old home.

And what of my old life? My old friend? My job and coworkers can go to hell, but I do miss Elizabeth. I'm hoping I can see her again at some point in the future. But that's pushing the wishes. I already got this, I'm most likely not getting another.

Soon, we would have come to the throne room, which was very large, and fit a final boss room aesthetic. But luckily, the throne was empty. I don't have to fight someone to be the Demon King I suppose.

"This, would be the Throne Room," Lilith spoke softly, "It is the place where you will talk with the people publicly, both from this kingdom and from other kingdoms. Possibly even mercenaries. It is also where you can give out orders to your people, and your generals."

The whole mercenaries thing could be helpful in the future, but the main thing is other kingdoms. Since I am the Demon King now, my role is going to be heavily villainized, so I have to be careful with what I do and say. God, I'm gonna have to be walking on thin ice for a while.

After leaving the throne room, we soon would have come to the dining room and kitchen, which is self explanatory. There I actually met some other servants, who were far too nervous to speak. There were two, and from Lilith, I figured out their names, this being Aleth and Cearen, both twins and cooks here. Their only difference would be their eyes, Aleth having blue eyes and Cearen having green eyes.

They both had pure white hair, and they were an interesting bunch. While Cearen was incredibly shy and mostly hiding behind Aleth, after talking to them a bit, Aleth was clearly the extroverted one of the two. And after taste testing a meal of theirs, it was really delicious. I'm definitely looking forward to future meals.

After a bit of walking, we would have come to a large room, far from the others that revealed a very large table, with a map of what I assumed was the world. And it was incredibly segmented, as one would expect of a fantasy game.

"This is the war room. It is where our private meetings are held between those of higher status, mostly called by the Demon King. You, in this case my lord," She would have spoken calmly as I walked up to the large map, and looked at the regions. There were seven of note.

First was the Volcanic Wastes, which was where I was at the moment. It appeared to be lava land.

The second was the Frozen Peaks, which as you would guess, is the ice on top of a mountainous range.

The third was the Iron Fields, which thanks to some exposition from Lilith, I learned it was a plains biome that used to be a war zone when wars broke out against humans, which were unsurprisingly common. It got its name from how many weapons are buried within the dirt of those fields. Spooky.

The fourth would be the Carnivorous Caverns, which slightly confused me, until Lilith told me that this Rocky place's caverns are actually creatures waiting for meals to walk into their mouths. So yeah, not going there anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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