Chapter 8

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Terra enters the commons and notices Ellie eating; she's slurping down tubes left and right.

"We'll I'm glad you got your appetite back; I was beginning to get worried." Terra smirks slightly.

A green string of drool sliding down the slide of Ellies face, she wipes the corner of her mouth with her hands and smiles.

"Tasty! I am feeling better, but I'm starting to need some real food like a nice juicy steak per say?". Ellie giggles and wiggles in her chair with excitement.

"I know they have to have some Cows somewhere in that place don't you think?" excitement in her eyes.

"How about this, if your sparring goes, we'll maybe, I'll let you join me on today's mission, we need to analyze the situation, starting with Evelyn we need to determine if she's friend or foe, depending on her answers we'll go from there."

"What if Shes a foe". Ellie asks wearily.

"Then I'll kill her and everyone who follows her." with a look of intenseness in her eyes.

"I just want a burger that is all please and thank."

"Oh, if she is a friend we can ask her about some burgers, don't worry one way another we'll get some burgers out of her." They both giggle.

Terra escorts Ellie to the training facility. The training arena hummed with anticipation as Terra and Ellie geared up in their Terra Mantis suits, the fusion-powered exoskeletons gleaming under the harsh training lights. Saul's voice echoed through the chamber, providing a real-time commentary on their vital signs and suit performance.

"Alright, ladies, let's make this training session memorable. Engage combat mode in three... two... one... Go!"

Instantly, the air crackled with energy as the two figures dashed towards each other. Terra, with her seasoned experience, anticipated Ellie's first move. Ellie, fueled by youthful enthusiasm and the advanced capabilities of the Terra Mantis suit, unleashed a barrage of fusion projectiles. Terra deftly evaded, utilizing her suit's enhanced agility to perform a mid-air somersault.

Terra retaliated with a burst of energy from her fusion blasters, creating a dazzling display of lights as the projectiles whizzed through the air. Ellie, undeterred, activated her suit's energy shield, deflecting the incoming barrage with ease.

The battle intensified as the combatants closed in for close-quarters combat. Terra swung her mantis blades with precision, aiming for Ellie's vulnerable points. Ellie, however, displayed remarkable reflexes, dodging and countering with swift strikes from her own blades.

The training arena became a dance of energy beams, clashing blades, and rapid maneuvers. The sound of metal meeting metal echoed through the chamber as the combatants pushed their suits to the limit. Saul provided tactical advice, analyzing their moves and suggesting strategies.

As the battle reached its climax, Terra unleashed a powerful energy wave, intending to overwhelm Ellie. To everyone's surprise, Ellie responded with a counter-wave, creating a spectacular clash of energies that sent shockwaves through the arena.

Breathing heavily, the two combatants paused, their suits displaying signs of exertion. Saul's voice cut through the moment.

"Excellent display, ladies! Training simulation complete. Both suits perform optimally. Well done!"

Terra and Ellie, still in combat stances, exchanged a nod of respect. The intensity of the sparring battle had not only tested their suits but had strengthened the bond between mentor and apprentice in their shared mission to protect Earth.

Terra, with a smirk on her face, broke the silence, "Not bad, Ellie. You're getting sharper with those blades and quicker with the shield."

Ellie, catching her breath, responded, "Thanks, Terra! Your moves are like a dance, so precise. I still have a long way to go."

Saul chimed in, "Indeed, progress is evident. Terra, your experience shines through, and Ellie, your adaptability is impressive. Now, let's discuss the mission. Evelyn is a wildcard, and we need information. Terra, any insights on how we should approach her?"

Terra, looking thoughtful, crossed her arms. "Evelyn is a puzzle, but I've dealt with enigmatic figures before. We need to approach cautiously, gather intel without showing our cards. Ellie, I want you to use your suit's scanning capabilities to analyze her energy signatures and any anomalies."

Ellie nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "Got it, Terra. I'll make sure she spills the beans without even realizing it."

Saul added, "Remember, ladies, Evelyn might have connections or enemies. The political landscape is intricate, and we can't afford to underestimate anyone. Stay vigilant."

As they strategized for the upcoming mission, Terra couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in Ellie's growth. The sparring session was not just a test of combat skills but a reminder that they were a team, facing the challenges of a post-apocalyptic Earth together.

With a final nod, Terra addressed Ellie, "Alright, let's get ready. Our journey to unravel the mysteries of this world continues, and Evelyn is just the beginning. Suit up, partner."

As they prepared to leave the training arena, the hum of their Terra Mantis suits echoed the determination that fueled their mission to rebuild Terra Caligo and ensure a future for humanity. 

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