Ch : Nine

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As the afternoon sun cast a lazy glow, Kaka, sensing the monotony, ventured to Priya's sanctuary. Engrossed in her laptop, Priya greeted him with a polite smile. Kaka's suggestion of exploring the city met with resistance; Priya, claiming familiarity, hesitated. Yet, Kaka's persistence prevailed, coaxing her reluctantly upstairs. However, upon reaching their destination, Priya was met with an unexpected sight: Ram engrossed in a video call with Aliya. A pang of discomfort surged through her as Aliya's longing words filled the room, prompting Ram to reciprocate with affectionate assurances. With a heavy heart, Priya slipped away unnoticed, seeking solace in the anonymity of a solitary stroll, leaving behind the bittersweet echoes of unspoken emotions.

As Priya found respite on a rocky outcrop beside the mountain, turmoil churned within her. Reflecting on her complex emotions, she acknowledged Ram's enduring place in her heart, a bond forged since childhood. Yet, she understood the futility of harboring romantic notions; fate seemed to decree their paths diverge. Perplexed by the surge of anger towards Ram, she grappled with its origins. Reminding herself of her unwavering loyalty to the uncle who had extended a lifeline in their darkest hour, she resolved to quell the tumultuous storm raging within her, determined to honor her commitments at any cost.

As Kaka returned from the market, he was taken aback to find Ram in the kitchen, brewing coffee in the early evening. Puzzled, he questioned they had returned right on time.

R : Wait what i didnt went outside why are you asking so and priya is also still here in that guest room.

Kaka's revelation that Priya was nowhere to be found sparked concern. With the sun already waning and the threat of plummeting temperatures and passing showers looming, anxiety gripped them both. Urged by Kaka to search for her without delay, Ram braced himself for the impending task, knowing time was of the essence.

As Priya felt the first droplet of rain kiss her shoulder, her senses jolted to life, and she glanced skyward to find the heavens opening up. Panic gripped her as she hastily darted towards the cottage, seeking refuge from the sudden downpour. However, her path intersected with Ram's, who had been frantically scouring the surroundings for her. His stern reprimand for venturing out without informing anyone fell on deaf ears as Priya remained silent, seeking shelter beneath the umbrella he offered. Returning to the cottage, Ram's concern manifested in his urgent directive for Priya to change into dry clothes, mindful of her susceptibility to colds since childhood. Meanwhile, Kaka sprung into action, preparing a comforting meal to ward off the chill, his worry palpable in the air.

As Priya stirred her hot tomato soup, the warmth failing to dispel the heaviness in her head and the burning sensation in her eyes, her appetite dwindled. With a heavy heart, she surrendered, placing the spoon back on the table, announcing her need for rest. Concern etched on his face, Ram suggested checking her temperature, but Priya abruptly excused herself, fleeing from the room. Kaka, sensing the tension, questioned Ram about their discord, noting Priya's visible unease. Ram, downplaying the situation, assured Kaka of its insignificance before making his exit. However, Kaka's reminder of Priya's impending birthday stirred a forgotten realization within Ram. Determined to make amends and salvage the occasion, he resolved to plan a special celebration, refusing Kaka's offer to take charge.

After ram came inside priya was standing near to the bed and sensing him priya directly asked

Priya: Can't we leave tomorrow? I don't want to stay here anymore; let's end this charade. I feel guilty pretending in front of Kaka. I know we made commitments, but I just can't deceive everyone around me.

Ram: Okay, we'll consider leaving tomorrow. But first, you have a fever; you need to rest and get some cold compress. Please, lay down.

Priya: (Furrowing her eyebrows) Are you even listening to me? Let's leave tomorrow.

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