Prologue: Revealed Thoughts

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Ok so this section is taken directly from the book Light, however I changed a few little pieces to make the two sections go together better and also fit into this book.
"I WANT MY whip back."
Drake's head had melded perfectly well to Alex's neck, although there was a definite red line, like . . . well, like surgery had been done and not quite healed. Alex's own head, now a fleshless, tongueless, and empty skull, lay in a ditch.
"Be glad you have a body at all," Gaia snarled.
"I am glad," Drake said, trying to sound obsequious. "But I can't fight beside you like this." He pointed with his remaining hand at the stump of his other arm. "It happened once before. It could happen again."
Gaia seemed uncertain. It was a strange expression for the face of a goddess, Drake thought. But
then Gaia herself was strange for what she was. He knew better than to take the beautiful, olive-skinned, blue-eyed face at face value. He knew he was still looking at the creature formerly represented by a seething carpet of green particles.
But she was a beautiful girl now, almost his own age by all appearances. As beautiful as Diana had been before starvation took its toll. As beautiful as Astrid and just as smug and arrogant.
It confused him. Because he instinctively wanted to hurt her. Fantasy images came to his mind and shocked him. She would kill him if she knew.
It was not a good idea to lust after a god. Even worse to imagine the whip coming down on her—
No, he ordered himself. Stop. She was not Diana or Astrid. She was nothing like them. She was still it. She was still the Darkness. Still the evil that had welcomed him, given him a place, given him a purpose.
"I need my arm," Drake said, willing to push on this point at least because without his whip hand he was weak. Without his whip hand, what weapon did he have? Without it he was just Drake, not Drake Whip Hand.
"Why do you want it so badly?" Gaia asked. "What would you use it for?"
"To fight beside you, defend you, protect . . . To . . ."
Her face was blank, but her eyes bored into him. "Tell me the truth."
If he lied . . . she could destroy him right here, right now. How much did she guess? He had to answer. Truth or lie. "Diana first," Drake hissed. "Astrid more slowly." It was a partial truth... because he couldn't get torturing Gaia slowly but painfully out of his mind.
Gaia gave in and put her hand on the stump of his arm. "I don't know what will grow."
"It has to come back. It just has too."

...Timeskip 30 Minutes
"He's thinking," Gaia said. "Nemesis. He's thinking. I can sense it. He's weak, weakening, so close. But he's thinking, and hiding his thoughts from me."
She swallowed hard, and Drake was frankly contemptuous. It was crazy that the Gaiaphage should be afraid of Little Pete, the Petard. He wasn't going to say that to the Gaiaphage, that was for sure, but still he could hardly conceal his disappointment.
It was the Gaiaphage that had gone weak since inhabiting this girl's body. She, it, seemed almost paralyzed by fear. But Drake's arm was back! Back, baby! Gaia had given it back to him, better than ever.
He snapped it and broke a branch from a bush. Time for war. Time to kill. He was back! Back! Hah hah hah! But his master was healing, and slowly. And worst of all, complaining. Like a typical female.
"She's fighting me," Gaia said. "I can feel her blocking me."
Shook up, that was it. The mighty Gaiaphage, all shook up. Well, that's what came of turning yourself into a girl.
"When do we go?" Drake demanded. "They're waiting to die."
"When it's dark," Gaia said sullenly. "When the barrier comes down I have to walk out of here. In this body. I can't be recognized by every human out there. I will need time. I will need to gather my powers . . . find a new form . . . a place to hide, out there."
A place to hide? Drake coiled his arm around his new body. He was stronger than before. His whip was longer, quicker. A better, badder Whip Hand. And ready to go!
"I get Astrid to myself," Drake said.
"You don't make demands of me!" Gaia raged.
Drake laughed. His voice was strange now, with portions of Alex's throat melded to his. He sounded older than he had before. "You're afraid of the people outside?"
"This body keeps me alive. This body allows me to concentrate my strength. But this body is weak. I had not realized how weak. It makes its own demands. It needs food. It excretes. It hurts." Gaia shook her long black hair. "It bothers me."
"You look like her, you know. Like Diana. The way she looked before. Back when she thought she was hot." Gaia frowned.
"Yeah," Drake said. "Yeah. You look hot and nasty. Like her." He knew immediately that he had gone too far, said too much.
Gaia's blue eyes were like lasers. "You want to hurt me," she whispered.
Drake shook his head violently. "No. No, that's not what I—"
"You. Want. To hurt this body."
"Not you," Drake said, desperately. "Not the real you."
"You think you know the real me?"
Drake shook his head again. He didn't want to go any deeper into this. He just wanted to feel the satisfying slap of his whip hand on flesh. That was all. He just wanted to hear the cries of pain and terror. He wanted to find that blond witch, that smug so-called genius, and watch her fear grow, watch her—
"It comes closer, the fire. In the smoke . . . that's when we attack." Gaia looked off toward the wall of smoke in the north.
"I thought you were worried about Nemesis."
"I worry about nothing," Gaia said, but there was impatience in the toss of her head, worry in her eyes. Did she fear him?
"He has a sister. Someone he cares about. Your Nemesis. Her name is Astrid. She could be a hostage. She could give us leverage over the Petard." He had so many options now. Who to even go after first?
Gaia's eyes widened. "A loved one? Does he?" She smiled. She had very white teeth, almost perfect but for a single too-far-forward canine. "But if you kill her she's useless as a hostage."
"She's no fun dead," Drake said, and then laughed. "Let me go after her. I'll bring her to you."
"A hostage," Gaia said thoughtfully. "A hostage." She looked at Drake suspiciously. He could feel her dark mind brushing against his, probing for some trick.
But there was no trick. He would bring Astrid alive.
Drake saw her reach the decision. He saw a frown, a worried look. And then Gaia glanced around as if looking for someone. Then back at Drake.
It struck him that she didn't want him to go because she didn't want to be alone.
He struggled to conceal his growing contempt. This girl's body had given the Gaiaphage the emotions of a girl. The weakness of a girl.
When he was done with Astrid . . . and done with Diana . . .
Ok I will now begin writing :)
Drake gathered a satchel of supplies. Shotgun rounds, his shotgun at his side... if only he hadn't lost that pistol and the sniper rifle everything would be perfect. He twinged in annoyance.
Gaia was still sleeping. Her soft tangled hair lay across the side of her face, and she stirred at Drake's movement. Her right eye fluttered open, her face contorting with worry. "Wait."
"What?" He glared, he wanted to go after Astrid. He wanted to go after Diana. He couldn't stand being around Gaia and all of her feminine complaints. He couldn't be with Gaia and not think about... think about things he wanted to do to her. And if she probed his mind? If she found out the entire truth?
"Don't leave. I changed my mind. Astrid will take too long to find and Little Pete may not care about her anymore." Her reasoning was pretty logical, which frustrated Drake to his core.
"I have no reason to stay." He replied.
Gaia sat-up and slyly smiled with the corner of her mouth. "What would make you stay?"
This felt like a trap. But then again, he imagined the whip-hand coming down on her and hearing her pitiful cries. Her sad human body unable to withstand the lashes, the flesh becoming exposed and red. His heart was pounding just thinking about it.
"You know what I want."
"Say it, then." Gaia smirked, "I want you to say it."
He swallowed and walked a little closer. "I want to whip your body so much you're unable to move, and you're crying and sobbing and pleading for your life. But I won't kill you. No, not yet. Definitely not until the FAYZ ends. I'll let Lana heal you, and when we're done killing everyone else and the Petard I will hang your body with six-inch nails and wait until you starve, and then I will-" He stopped talking based on the reaction of her disappointed face.
"I knew it, I fucking knew it!" She'd been swearing a lot ever since she looked through his own brain. "How am I supposed to win this if I can't even trust you?"
He looked to the side, a bit embarrassed. He should've controlled himself, he should've...
Gaia walked towards him and grabbed his chin so that he was looking down at her. "Listen to me, Drake Merwin. Because if you try anything, you'll be six feet under before you can use that hand of yours. I'll burn a hole straight through you with Sammy's power and I will keep burning until there isn't a single cell left. Then I'll scatter the ashes into the ocean." She grinned knowing that had been a thought haunting his mind for the past few weeks. "Got it?"

1669 Words. Lol funny number wow I'm immature okay. Stay hydrated haha.

[Blindsided] Drake Merwin x GaiaphageWhere stories live. Discover now