Episode 1'It all started...'

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The war has started... and my father once told me this before it started...

"Father, is it great living in the human world?" i asked my father in a straight face

"yes, but i have seen fallen angels, demons and angels.... i guess you should not go in to the human world... its the best for you..." my father told me

"father, your just telling me that so that i wont end up like mother" i said going to the couch

"sigh... i guess.... your right... im doing this for you, i dont want to lose someone like you!" my father said hugging me

"father, your a kind devil i know..." i said hugging my father when...

"my lord!!! fallen angels had come in the palace!" our maid came in rushing then i let go of the hug and stood up, this was my business too because i was going to be the next Itori some day

"Kinami! Get out of here now!" father told me, he cast a spell then he looked at me

"father, I'm not leaving you here" I said getting my gear, he went close to me

"Kim, please, it's for your own good! I'll find you! I promise! " he said then I nodded and went away... I saw her

"what are you doing here?! " she told me

"were best friends aren't we? Let's ran away! Together! " I said hold her hand

"no, I can't, leave without me! " she said and pushed me off, I saw fallen angels coming near by, I ran and ran... No, I flow to the red sky, never been seen again

After a while..

I came back, it was all finished, I saw the palace, destroyed, I knew my father would still be alive, I ran to where my father would be

I saw him standing, he saw me and ran towards me and hug me

"father... " I said

"run Kim.. " he said then pushed me to the hug and saw a spear coming towards... Father

"run!!! Don't you fucking stand there! Run!!!  Remember! Were not one of th-" my father then been stab, in the back by a spear.. The time became slow, I saw him being stabbed my red eyes flutter open, shocked

"father!!! " I said then I remember him, he was staring at me

"your next little kid! " he said slowly walking to me

"father, I'll come back soon.. " I said then I flew fast, away... From the scene...

father was my only one who i thought on my mind as i flew, and her

i came into my old house, my little doll house, it was filled with veins of grass and lots of grass surrendering it

i went in and looked for my picture of my father and myself...

"father....... soon, some one will revive you, its your faith... while i wait for you and wait... and never been seen again" i said then one tear slipped through my eye, i stood there and looked at the picture...


the Life Of One Of Them (HighSchool dxd)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu