Episode 1

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You opened the door to the infirmary and smiled softly at the familiar face. "Good morning, Ms. Kim," you greeted as you walked into the room and shut the door behind you.

"Good morning, (Y/n)! What brings you here so early?" Ms. Kim questioned as she stopped her typing on the keyboard to give you her attention.

"I was wondering if you had any ointments for wounds to keep them from being infected?" You asked as you fidgeted with the bracelet on your wrist, nervous she would question what you did to search for it.

"I should. Let me go check," she replied as she stood up from her chair and began searching through her cabinets. You let out a sigh realizing she wouldn't ask you about your wound and made your way to sit on one of the empty beds.

"So," Ms. Kim began, "how's that book you're reading?" She had abandoned the cabinet she was previously searching and moved on to another. You moved your eyes from her to the window in front of you, staring at the clouds as they moved slowly.

"So far it's been a pleasent read. It's interesting seeing how the events shape the main character," you answer honestly, people have always mystified you. Their responses to certain situations perplexed you to no end, your own responses left you like that sometimes. The stinging pain on your forearm was a reminder of that confusion. You forget the intensity of the moment and you wonder if the hurt in your head was really enough to make it come true.

"Found it! Also, that's nice to hear. Most students tell me it's good and leave it at that," Ms. Kim chuckles as she makes her way over to you. She hands you the ointment and you thank her quietly before she returns to her desk, typing away once again.

"What's the name of the book again? I might try reading it later!" Ms. Kim asks as you begin twisting the cap of the ointment, eager to leave and return to class. Even if you like Ms. Kim, you always find conversations like these awkward, especially with teachers.

"It's called-" The sound of a door slamming open interupts you as worried chatter fills the room. You turn around to see a teacher and a few students. You decide it isn't your business and turn back to the window, continuing to uncap the ointment and pull up your sleeve quickly, hoping no one catches sight of your arm. You finish applying the ointment and pull down your sleeve, looking back to see a student on the bed thrashing around while everyone else tries to figure out what's happening. Seeing this as your opportunity to leave, you twist the cap back onto the ointment and stand up
making your way to Ms. Kim's desk, placing the ointment on it as you make your way out of the infirmary and close the door quietly.

The walk to your classroom is quiet and you slow your pace a bit to enjoy the sereness of it all (disregarding what you witnessed earlier in the infirmary). You're faced with the sight of your classroom door sooner than you would've prefered.

⚠️Triggering content over⚠️


It's lunch already and Namra has buried her nose into a book full of equations you would rather die than look at. You were eating beside her quietly, surverying the scenery, when you hear an unfamiliar voice call out to Namra. You turn to look at who it is and realize it's someone from the infirmary this morning. You turn your head to look at Namra and find that she's still studying. You realize she probably didn't hear him over her music so you tap her shoulder softly.

She lets releases a hum as she takes out an earbud and looks at you before finally seeing the person who called to her before. She doesn't look pleased to see him so you decide you aren't either.

Namra takes her earbuds out boredly, seemingly done with the conversation that hasn't even started yet. She raises an eyebrow towards him and you're definitely sure you don't like him now. You've recognized that look as the one she gives people she has a strong distaste for. Her tone comes out stultified as she asks, "What do you want?"

"I was just wondering what music you were listening to," he explained with a loosided smile. You looked at him unamusedly, really?

Namra doesn't seem to be swayed by his response as she puts her earbuds back on and continues to study. You look at him quizzically but he pays you no mind. Definitely don't like him, you thought to yourself as you focus your attention back onto your lunch.

Your sleeve itched as you picked up your eating utensil and you gave out a small hiss, one that no one seemed to notice. A frown began to tug on your lips as you stuffed your mouth full of food to distract yourself from the situation currently ongoing.

The guy seems discouraged by her lack of response and turns to you with a slight downturn on his lips. "Is she always like this?" He asks as he gives her one last glance before fully focusing on you.

You look at him with a deadpan expression. He only talks to me to know more about her. You swallow your food and glare at him as you shove another mouthful of your lunch into your mouth.

He sighs and you think he's finally given up! Until he quickens his pace so he can walk backwards in front of Namra. You think he's trying to appear nonchalant by not looking back but all he seems like is a doofus. His lopsided smile returns as he taps on his ears. You guessed he was trying to get Namra to take her earbuds off and you were "rewarded" with an even larger smile once Namra did as asked. Once she does so, she ceases to walk and you stop abruptly in order to follow her lead.

A scowl has taken over her features and her voice drips with impatience as she asks, "Yes?" The discouragement he felt earlier seems to be completely gone once he hears her respond to him.

His cheeks turn slightly red as he asks (states in your opinion) in a matter-of-fact tone, "You know blasting your music can damage your ears, right?" You knew he was probably thinking that appeared caring for extending this piece of knowledge to her but all he appeared to be was an asshole. You rolled your eyes and decide to quit listening. All of a sudden your lunch seemed like the most interesting thing in the world!

As you continued eating your lunch, the itch on your arm slowly became more and more unbearable. I should probably put a bandaid on it when I get home.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when Namra began walking again and, like always, you followed her. You catch up to her and look back to see that the guy is watching the both of you (watching Namra) leave in what seems to be gloom.

(A/N: this story was inspired by super rich kids lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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