𝖝𝖎𝖎𝖎. 𝕮𝖔𝖇𝖜𝖊𝖇

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Full Name: Cobweb

Sobriquet (Nickname/Nicknames): "Kitty", "Webby", "Thackery", "Black Beast"

Gender: Male 

Owner(s): Becca Dennison, Max Dennison, Allison Dennison, & Dani Dennison 
Specie: Cat

Cat Breed: Black 
Like(s): Gilbert, Becca, Dani, Allison, Max, Izzy, Jefry, lasers, yarns, mice
Dislike(s): Water, bathes, Cassie (formerly), Mike, the Sanderson Sisters
Ability/Abilities: Sense of sounds/smells, strength, high speed, sharp claws

Status: Active
Background: Cobweb is a family house cat for the Dennisons. Although Cobweb is a black cat just like Thackery Binx, he however doesn't talk and just does cat-like antics!

Cobweb was founded back when he was a stray. Young Becca stumbled across him one day and tries to convince her parents to keep him. Max doesn't want to deal with animal expenses but, both Dani and Allison obliges. After some debate, Max accepts that they all decided to keep Cobweb around.

Originally, they want to name him 'Binx' from Thackery Binx but, Dani just thought on giving the cat a new name. Dani came up with the name 'Cobweb'.

Cobweb remains a friendly cat in the Dennison family. The only acceptation that he's friendly outside of the family is Gilbert (Allison's business partner), Jefry Traske, and Izzy (Becca's best friend). He heavily dislikes Cassie (it was then Cassie's remain friends with Becca and Izzy again, he'll softens up) and Mike.
- Cobweb was based off of not just a spider web but, mainly one of Titania's fairy servants from an Shakespearan play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, which is Dani's favorite play.

- Unlike Thackery Binx, Cobweb is a non-talking black cat. 

- Although in the sequel, Cobweb is Gilbert's cat. In this redraft, Cobweb is the family cat. He was originally a stray cat until he was found by Becca herself. 

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