𝖝𝖛𝖎. 𝕵𝖔𝖍𝖓 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙

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Portrayal(s): Thomas Fitzgerald
Full Name: Jonathan Pritchett IV

Sobriquet (Nickname/Nicknames): "John" (short/prefer name)

Gender: Male

Age: 18 (1653)
Parent(s): Jonathan Pritchett III (father) †, John Pritchett II (grandfather) †, John Pritchett (great-grandfather)

Significant Other(s): Winifred Sanderson (ex-fiancée)
Date of Birth: N/A

Date of Death: N/A

Homeplace: Salem, Massachusetts
Occupation: N/A
Like(s): Wealth, Reverend Traske
Dislike(s): Winifred Sanderson, Billy Butcherson, insecurity with his nose
Status: Deceased
Background: John Pritchett was supposed to be Winifred's fiancée. The reason that the Reverend wants to arrange both John and Winifred to be married was due to his rich family background. John was the fourth descendant of the Pritchett bloodline. His name was conceived based on his father, his grandfather, and his great-grandfather.

Although, the wedding never really happened. Instead, he ends up alone while Winifred and Billy were together two years later. Fully unknown how he truly died but, rumors mentioned that he died from a "broken heart" although, in reality, he never loved her.

- Although John is his real name, it's not the case in the redrafted version. His real name here is Jonathan. 

- John Pritchett and his bloodline was heavily based on the eight kings of England that are born with the same name, Henry. 

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