Chapter 24

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"That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you"

- (They Long to be) Close to You by Carpenters


August 1981

Whispers of their passionate honeymoon have spread all over the crew of Britannia, and although it hasn't reached the media just yet, it was apparent that the newlyweds are very much in love with each other. If the Princess' glowing complexion and the Prince's enthusiasm and his sense of exuberance around his wife were an indicator of it, it wouldn't be a surprise if the Princess was already carrying their love inside her by now.

After 2 weeks of cruising through the Mediterranean, stopping at Tunisia, Sardinia, Greece, and Egypt, Charles and Diana boarded an aircraft that flew them to Balmoral, Scotland.

Living a stress-free life is what Diana had always been dreaming of. That was her character, always outgoing, a kindled free spirit that always acted in accordance with what she believed in, not because of what she was supposed to. Constantly wanting to help even if she, herself, needed one. It was the same reason why she, Charles, and the rest of the royals never got along in the past.

Her perspective was a contrast to them, so it was not a surprise when they couldn't meet each other eye to eye.

It was true that she also had her shortcomings in their marriage. She was weak, flail, naive— too naive, in fact. Chasing over someone who is actively seeking another woman's comfort. Wanting her marriage to work out even if it was fighting a losing battle.

That being said, despite the everyday contemplation and thinking about what ifs and what could've been if she had chosen a different path aside from being the wife of the current heir to the throne, Diana remained and fulfilled her duties as the Princess of Wales. To help is a privilege not everyone could have, and being royalty means having the means and access to do as such. It was a battle between duties and freedom; and to her expense, she chose the former. This was the path she took in the past and a choice that she will keep pursuing even in this lifetime.


Cooking has never been Diana's strongest pursuit, that being said, cooking for Charles became a habit since the man became a regular at Althorp during the early years of their courtship. And although the latter's cooking is far more better than her, Diana knew her husband wouldn't say no to her cooking.

The kitchen was hushed aside from the sizzles and constant clicking of utensils echoing in the background— her humming to the song coming from the cassette player in the living room every now and then. It wasn't too loud, just enough for it to fill the house and serve as a background noise. Diana had nothing to worry about as she and Charles dismissed all staff assigned at their quarter for the remaining weeks of their honeymoon, insisting that they could fend for themselves.

Opening the lid of the pot, Diana brought a spoonful of soup into her mouth. Smiling at the taste, she then closed it again, letting it sit in for a minute or two while mentally congratulating herself for a job well done. She quickly turned off the stove as the pot was already hot as it is.

Glancing at the clutter she made near the kitchen sink, she began tidying up. Just as she was in the middle of washing a plate, she was taken aback when she felt two arms wrapping around her waist.

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