Chapter 33

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It was brief since the first night
Where were you then?
Just yesterday when I was kissing you
You cannot say stop to this


Charles was seated in a meeting, discussing business matters with the Prime Minister of New Zealand when his secretary, Edward, abruptly entered the room. Edward's face was difficult to read, and his voice was shaking as he reported to Charles.

"Sir, it's the Princess," Edward whispered in her ear with a tremble in his voice, "I'm sorry to inform you... but she has been involved in a serious car accident." The sudden news hit Charles like a ton of bricks, leaving him stunned and worried about the safety and well-being of his wife.

Despite his best efforts to remain focused on the conference, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. He immediately excused himself and rushed out of the conference room.

As he made his way to his car, he tried to convince himself that nothing was going to happen to his wife, but his heartbeat betrayed him, racing erratically in his chest. Every step he took felt like an eternity. The weight of the world seemed to be resting on his shoulders, and he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if things didn't turn out the way he hoped.

"Take me directly to the airport. Now." his voice was tense and urgent as he barked out his command. Charles' heart was pounding in his chest as every second felt like an eternity. He could hear the faint sound of Edward's voice in the background, informing the airport staff to ready the royal jet for departure, but his mind was completely consumed with thoughts of his wife. He was desperate to get to her as soon as possible.

Despite several attempts, he tried calling her again and again, but there was no response from the other end. This unexpected silence caused him to worry even more, he was starting to conclude all sorts of possibilities.

As the car sped towards the airport, he felt his anxiety rising with each passing moment. Finally, they arrived at the terminal. Charles sprang out of the car and hurried towards the waiting plane, his heart filled with a mixture of hope and fear.

'Please be alright, my darling.'

"Sir," Edward began, his voice was heavy with grief as he spoke. "T-the princess is... dead."

Charles was stunned, his mind racing, blood running cold as he tried to process the information. He couldn't believe what he was hearing— his heart sank with each passing moment.

His wife.


His wife died.

He collapsed on the plane seat, dejected.

"I-It can't be. Diana cannot be... it's just impossible..." he says, unsure whether the one he's convincing is the man in front of him or himself.

"It's true, sir. The car exploded, and the resulting fire caused severe burns to her body the sustained injuries from the collision, coupled with the force of the explosion, were ultimately the reasons for her death and the death of her... the death of your child with her, sir. She was pregnant."

The man in front of him had just given him the news that shattered his world. His unborn child and his beloved wife, Diana, were no more. He couldn't believe it, the words sounded like a cruel joke— like a trick of fate. He felt like it was impossible and that there must have been some mistake. He tried to convince himself that it was not true, but the more he looked at Edward, the more he realized that he was telling the truth.

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