Chapter 07

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After ceremony they greeted everyone as the guests left . As well as friends also left .

—" Please take good care of our son . He maybe looks like a giant but he is just a big baby ." Mrs. Kim cooed .

—" Common mom I am not a baby ." Mingyu pouted his lower lips . everyone laughed . there's only two family present now cause Wonwoo and Mingyu have to go to their house. Basically Wonwoo's house .

—" Ok Mom. Let's go ."  Wonwoo agrees as he left for his car . jeon family also left  . as Kim's going to leave Mingyu calls his mother

—" Mom he is kinda scary. " Mingyu still pouting .

—" Don't worry son he's such a good kid . now go he is waiting ." as Mrs. Kim left .


In the way to their house they didn't talk at all . Mingyu just stared by the window and Wonwoo drove taking some small glances at Mingyu time to tike as if he is admiring him.

—" We are here follow me ." As car stopped Wonwoo instructed . Mingyu just followes him like a scared puppy .

They took their luggage from the car and enter the house.  It's big and beautiful but it's black and painted . It's kinda creepy. Mingyu stopped at the door looking like he is scared.

—"Why are you standing there come in ." Mingyu nodded and came in . looking everywhere.

—" Where's my room ?" Mingyu asked looking at the floor.

—" What do you mean your room . it's my room and you are staying in my room so it's now ours . " Wonwoo says in a deep mad voice .

—" Ok ." and Mingyu followed Wonwoo to his new room .

—" There's two other room here, you can use one for your study , One game room and Jungkook's room at ground floor and my office's also in ground floor . And listen don't touch my thinks without my permission and don't come to my office.  " Wonwoo glare at Mingyu.

—" Jungkook is also staying here? But I didn't saw him." Wonwoo frowns as Mingyu mentions Jungkook.

—" He'll stay with mom and dad for few days . Why? do you got any problems. And how do you know Jungkook? " Wonwoo asked as he was jealous but didn't know about his feelings.

—" He is .... is my Bestfriend...." Mingyu says in a low voice . Wonwoo got mad .

—" So you knew everything.  And didn't even denied to get married.  " Wonwoo pushed Mingyu toward the wall as he walk to Mingyu and punched the wall and Mingyu flinched .

—" I - I didn't knew it I just c-came back o-one w-week ago from LA . " Mingyu panicked .

—" So tell me you had a boyfriend before ? In LA ."Wonwoo asked .

—"N-No b-but W-why?" Mingyu asked as he looked at Wonwoo's eyes .

—" Nothing.  Go wash yourself and go to sleep ." Wonwoo smirked and let him go . Mingyu ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

—" I'll know if you are telling me the truth,  Jeon Mingyu. " Wonwoo left the room .


𝑶𝑩𝑺𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵 | 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑫 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑮𝑬 ( Meanie )Where stories live. Discover now