Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up feeling hot, like I had a fever that was all over my body. Everything I did ended up wrong and I was frustrated to no end. I told Charlie and we decided it would be best if I stayed home today. I was upset at first and then that turned into anger almost immediately.

A couple hours later I was laying in bed in shorts and a tank top when there was a knock on the door. I slowly walked down and opened the door, and to my surprise it was Sam Uley and Billy Black along with a couple other guys.

"What can I help you with gentlemen?" I asked in a frustrated tone. Yep, still frustrated about being hot, about not seeing Jasper, and not doing anything right.

"How are you feeling?" Billy asked like he knew what was going on.

"Honestly, hot, frustrated, and mad. Why?" I said to them wanting to know what the hell they wanted.

"Do you remember the legends I used to tell you when you were little?" Billy asked me.

"Yeah," I paused, "They're true aren't they and with my dad being a Lahote I got his genes didn't I? I was putting all the pieces together. I was hoping I was wrong, but the looks they were giving me I knew that everything I said was right. "Alright, how do we speed this process up?" I asked.

"You get angry. You have to get so mad that you are shaking." Sam told me.

I walked into the woods thinking about everything that made me angry. Nothing was working, nothing made me mad to the point I was shaking.

"My dad didn't want you, ya know." I heard from behind me.

"What?" I said.

"Yeah, he told me about you and not once did I bother to get to know you because he told me that there was no point. He doesn't love you because you were a mistake." I was shaking by the last word he said.

The last thing I heard was a ripping sound. By the time I worked through being pissed, I was on all fours. Sam phased, "Hey," I jumped, "You're okay this is how we communicate when in wolf form." He said in my mind.

"Okay, can you tell me what color my wolf is?" I asked him

"White with a dust of black over the top" He said looking me over.

"Pretty. Now, how do I turn back?"

"Think of being human, but you come back naked so behind the bushes."

I walked behind the bushes and thought about being human and turned back. "Clothes?" I called out to Sam.

He threw them to me and I got dressed before going over to the guys. "What the fuck was that about Paul? Was any of it true?" I was trying to keep a check on my anger and so far so good.

"You had to turn, you were thinking about it, but you weren't being hard enough on yourself. I was trying to help you. He did tell me about you, but he told me that it was up to me if I wanted to get to know you or not. I chose not to get to know you until now." Paul was being kind of nice which was a shock to the rest of them.

"I understand Paul." I said before beginning to walk to the house.

"Boys, go back to the Rez and take Billy home. Tell Emily that I'm with Beth telling her about everything." Sam told them, and they went to the vehicle while we went to the house.

"Want anything to drink?" I asked him while walking to the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

"Bottle of water please." He said, and I handed him one. "Now, here's what you need to know, you never get cold, we have patrols that we take shifts on, we kill vampires, and we also have things called imprints. An imprint is like your gravity, can be a brother, a lover, a friend, or a protector." Sam said, smiling towards the end.

"Sounds like you have an imprint Sammy." I said laughing a little bit.

"Remember Leah?" He asked. I nodded, "her cousin Emily came down a little bit after I phased and I imprinted on her. I couldn't do anything, but break up with Leah and it hurt a lot. I knew that Emily needed me though, and I couldn't bring myself to have both Leah and Emily." Sam told me.

"I understand Sam, I really do." I put my hand on his.Then I started thinking back to what he said about killing vampires. "Vampires though?" I asked him.

"The ones that come through. We can't touch the Cullen's though." Sam said back to me.

"Wait what?" I was shocked and confused. How did I not notice him being a different species?

Sam looked shocked to know that I didn't know about them. "You didn't know about the Cullen's?" Sam asked me.

"No, no I did not. I've been getting to know Jasper Hale though. Everyone seems kind of weird about it, like I'm the only one he's ever talked to besides his family." I told Sam, getting up to walk around. I was starting to get antsy just sitting there.

"Well, we have a treaty with them, so you need to talk to him before going further with getting to know him, Bethany. I'm not meaning to be rude about it, but if we cross lines with them it won't be good for either side." Sam said.

"I was gonna ask him about hanging out with him this afternoon. I'll tell him then." This is all getting very complicated if I'm being honest.

"I've got to get back to the house, but please be careful. If something happens, phase and howl and we will come to you." Sam said, getting up and going to the door.

After he left I went upstairs to take a shower. When I got out I checked my phone and sent a message to Jasper asking to hangout later if he is free. I also sent a message to Charlie seeing if it was okay with him. He responded that it was okay to leave a note telling him where I go and when I think I'll be back. Jasper sent back that he would love to hangout with me and that he would pick me up in an hour.

I got ready and went downstairs to wait for him on the couch after putting the note I wrote on the fridge. Thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door, so I grabbed my bag and keys before opening the door.

"Hello Darlin'" He said, holding his hand out for me to take. I locked the door and took his hand so he could guide me to the car, and opened the door for me letting me get in. 

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