Hey, My Prince

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"Are you scared?" Yeji asks me as we're waking through the building since we're bored.

"For what?" I asked.
"Your performance today, also the fact you're doing it with Felix is crazy to me!"

Right, i found out a few days ago that im gonna be doing a few parts of the dance with Felix! Im actually glad it's him since hes not a stranger to me.

"Im pretty excited! This will be my last on stage performance as a trainee, isn't that crazy?" I said happily.

"Yeah! Also let's go back since we have to go on the bus soon..." Yeji pointed out and we walked back towards our practice room.


"Are you nervous?" Yuna asked massaging my shoulders while my stylist was doing my makeup. (pics are up)

"Yes and no." I said and started humming the song since i also have to sing obviously. When the stylist finished my makeup i started practicing my moves again.

"Hello Haewon!" Felix walked in. I smiled at him but my smile quickly faded hearing his cracked voice. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" I quickly went up to him and felt his forehead with my hand.

"Oh my god you're burning! Why are you walking all the way to here, sit down!" I scolded him.

"Im sorry..." Felix said looking down.
"Hey, nobody cares about the stupid performance, what matters is your health."

"But there is a good thing!" Felix brung up smiling.
"You'll be dancing with Minho!"
"Wait what?"

"He already knows the choreography because he helped you, honestly i think fate is bringing you two together." You know what, scrap all the shit i said about me being unlucky, i am the luckiest girl in the world!

"Come with me, i'll take you to him so you can at least practice a bit." He said and led me towards a room that said Stray Kids on it.

"Minho! Haewon is here!" Felix yelled and i walked in the room, picking up my dress so i don't trip. "Wait! Im still putting my suit on!"

"Noona! You look like an actual princess!" Seungmin says with his mouth agape. "Thank you! That's the concept!"

"Why am i getting jealous of Lee Know?" Han says and i chuckled by his remark that caught me off guard.

"Well too bad." Lee Know says walking in the room. I paused for a second looking at his gorgeous looks and seems like he was doing the same.
"You, you look good." I said stuttering nervously.
"You- you too..." He also said nervously and everyone was trying to hold their laugh.

"Bro spit it out." Jeongin yelled annoyed which made me laugh, at the same time i feared for his life.

"Anyway! You're going after 5 more performances so if i was you i'd use this time to rehearse since this was pretty unexpected." Chan pointed out and i nodded in agreement.
"Are you nervous?" Lee Know asked backstage, one more performance then it's our turn.

"Of course im not!" He gave me a 'be fr' look and i sighed.
"I guess im a bit nervous." I admit and smiled at me. Ey, way to make me confident i guess.

"Let me teach you a method, i guarantee you won't be nervous. When you go on stage, just imagine the audience below as cabbages."

"Cabbages?" I asked confused.
"Yeah! What's there to be nervous about acting in front of cabbages? Am i right? And even if you make a mistake, whats the harm in a performance for cabbages?" He said and i just laughed.

But We're Not Friends, You're Mine. || LEE KNOW Where stories live. Discover now