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"I bet you can't do it by the end of the year." John, a Gryffindor 7th year, said.

"Oh please, wanna see? 20 galleons says that I'll have Elara Emmerson swooning over me before years end." Sirius replied cockily, completely confident in his abilities to swoon any woman that exists. He was completely ready to prove to the 7th year in front of him that he could do it.

"Alright, deal!" John said and the two shook hands, sealing the deal. Sirius immediately got to work on devising a plan to swoon the Ravenclaw muggleborn.

"What's got you looking so Sirius, Sirius?" James Potter, Sirius' best friend teased him later that day. The 'Sirius' joke caught on quick and Sirius couldn't lie, he 'Siriusly' loved it.

Sirius grinned at his friend's sitting around him at the black lake. "Well lads, I've got a bet on my hands. And I'm positive that I'll win."

"What is it?" Peter Pettigrew asked excitedly, practically bouncing on his seat on the grass.

"And how much did you bet?" Remus Lupin asked, looking at the situation in a logical and practical manner as always.

Sirius rolled his eyes at Remus and grinned at Peter and James. "John, that stupid 7th year, bet me 20 galleons that I couldn't get Elara Emmerson to fall in love with me by years end. Obviously, I'll win! Like come on, who wouldn't fall for my amazing charm?" Sirius said cockily and ran a hand through his hair.

"Merlin, that's brilliant!" James said, grinning just as widely as his friend.

"That's completely stupid! This plan will fail and the poor girl will hate you for this." Remus said, not entirely comfortable with agreeing to this bet.

"Oh come on Moony!" Sirius said, ruffling his friends brunette hair. Remus scowled and swatted his friends hand away.

"Yeah, come on Moony!" Peter chimed in, smiling widely.

"Don't be a wuss, Moony!" James added as well and they all tackled Remus in a hug until the poor boy finally gave in and agreed to the bet.

Remus wasn't very okay with this but he'd make sure to stop Sirius if it went too far. James, however, was completely ecstatic by the idea and started helping Sirius concoct a plan to accidentally make Sirius meet Elara officially. Peter was happy too and helped with coming up with a plan.


"It's not going to work." Remus said with a sigh as the four marauders sat at the Gryffindor table in the dining hall.

"Oh it will work!" James said enthusiastically with a grin and put an arm around Sirius.

"Yep, trust us Moony. It's a great idea!" Peter said, equally bouncy and excited.

Sirius smiled at his friend's. He didn't know what he'd do without them. "Yeah, it'll work. Just watch and see." Sirius said.

"Fine, fine. Whatever, it's your funeral. I'm too hungry to deal with you three." Remus grumbled and started piling his plate with a little bit of everything. He hadn't eaten all day and he was starving. He pulled out a book and started reading while he ate.

Peter shook his head at his friend and talked to James and Sirius as they ate dinner. The three came up with multiple ideas for the bet and already started thinking of all the ways they could celebrated once Sirius won.


AN: Short chapter, I know. I'm sorry 😭

I'll try to update more and I promis that the chapters will start getting longer!!!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 19 ⏰

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