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In the quiet of the night, I find myself yearning for the warmth of your embrace, for the tenderness of your touch. But, we are bound by the chains of a world that cannot understand the beauty of our love.

I see the fear in your eyes, mirrored by my own. Our hearts may be wild and free, but they are tethered by the expectations of those who cannot comprehend the depth of our connection.

I dream of a world where we can walk hand in hand, unafraid and unashamed. Where love knows no bounds, no judgments, and no barriers. But until that day comes, we must find solace in the whispers of our hearts, in the quiet moments we steal away together.

Know that you are not alone. Our love may be forbidden by society, but it is sacred to me. And as long as we hold onto each other, we can weather any storm that comes our way.

Until the day we can be together openly, know that my love for you burns brighter than the sun, and it will light our path through the darkness.

- Selah


I hastily opened the house door, almost stumbling as I climbed the stairs. Sweating and exhausted, I opened the bedroom door, hoping to find even a small trace of her.

I took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed with a heavy heart.

She left me again.

I suddenly felt a tear roll down my cheek, followed by successive drops, leading to my uncontrollable crying.

I tried to suppress the urge to cry and scream due to the pain and heaviness I am feeling right now.

Why do I always have to go through this?

Against All Odds (Spes Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now