My 1st complete story.

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Purple over pink any time.


Blue was 6 when she started learning about the world of manipulation & lies. She was 7 when she learned that, in that world, the world of deceit, hatred, & schemes, that it can break the strongest of friendships & ruin lives. 8 when things got worse. And finally, 9 when everything reached its breaking point & she was forced to make the worst choice of her life that she regretted ever since & could never forget even if the rest of her memories were a blur.


Blue was about 5-6 when she met Purple in kindergarten. They were in the same class & became the best of friends & did almost everything together.


Blue chuckles to herself. "Silly Purple." She recalls a memory when the two were in kindergarten or 1st grade. Purple had asked Blue to come to the restroom with her during lunch.

Purple thought it would be a good idea to climb onto the baby changing table attached to the wall in the bathroom when no one was there.

Once Purple was on she tried to convince Blue to climb up as well but Blue didn't want to since it was a bit high & she never liked heights.

They stayed a bit in there, just talking & then a while later they thought they heard someone coming so Blue said, •"Quick get down!"•

•"I can't!"• Purple said as she started crying. •"I'm scared."•

•"Just jump, I'll catch you!"• Blue replied.

Purple shook her head crying more.

•"Then how do we get you down? Should I go see if I can get someone?"•

•"N-no! Don't leave me!"•

Blue was trying to keep calm for her friend but found it hard to do.

•"I don't hear anyone anymore"• Blue replied.


Blue doesn't remember how Purple got down; she only remembers when they finally got out that everyone was gone & how much trouble they would surely be in.


When they were in 1st grade however they met Pink. They befriended Pink & the 3 of them were like the three musketeers.

But one day that changed. Blue couldn't remember how or when it started but she doesn't want to either. And she wonders if the same is true with Purple.

Pink started turning Blue and Purple against each other. They would get along one day then the next they wouldn't while Pink pretended to console them both while pretending not to be around the other. Manipulating them both. Then they'd all get along again. It was like this for years.

One day while Pink and Purple were being 'buddy buddy' during P.E Blue met Green. Green told about how she knew Pink since they were little and that Pink was in almost all of Green's classes. She warned Blue about Pink.


Then finally the dreaded day came in 3rd grade.

Blue, Purple, & Pink we're in yet another argument but at this point Pink wasn't really hiding the manipulation anymore. She was with Purple and they came up to her during recess and Pink said, •"Blue, you have to choose between me & Purple to be your friend."•

•"Can't I choose both?"• Blue asked.

•"No! You have to choose one of us. So which one of us will be your best friend?"• Pink answered.

•"But I want you both to be my friend."• Blue repeated.

•"You have to choose one!"• Pink repeated back.

Blue looked at both of them. Purple, who she had known since Kindergarten, or Pink who they only met a year later. Blue was stupid and didn't choose her best friend. No instead she choose Pink! 'Why?' you might be asking... Because Pink was wearing her top favorite color shoes at the time. Pink. Hot Pink. and Purple was wearing well, her 2nd favorite color. Purple. She doesn't remember if those were the exact memories but she knows it cuts pretty close. She also knew now that Pink got exactly what she wanted. To fully tear their friendship apart then bully them both some more then finally ditch Blue.


Ever since that day she regretted her choice & hated the darker shades of pink the fall around the hot pink section. Which is why she stands by her motto from ever since; Purple over Pink anytime.

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed and learned something from this story. Again this is 729 words not incluing the 💙💜🐺🐾 or the A/N. See ya.)

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