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After few minutes, they heard a loud noise of someone shouted on being hurt. They understood there is a problem down.

Arun: What was the noise?

Bala: That must be one of our friends. Let's go.

They started to rush down. But Raj stopped.

Raj: Guys, wait. What if someone tried to prank us?

Bala: You are right. They did that to someone at the college during last night walk. I think this time it will be us.

After the discussion they came down to the ground floor slowly. As they came down the stairs, they are able to saw their friends with their hand tied and standing in front of someone with fear and discipline at the main hallway next to the room where the staircase is. One of their friends gave a signal not to come here and asked these three to escape.

At that side, there are no one but two girls of their own class. One is Jeni and the other is her best friend and also their class Rep. The representative was the one who asked these boys gang to tie their hand and shouting them for coming here. But Jeni noticed the guy who gave signal to Arun, Bala and Raj. She understood that some other are there in the other room and walked towards the other entrance of the hallway. Arun, Bala and Raj started to escape from the building by a broken window at the same room. As soon as the three came out from the room, Jeni shouted.

Jeni: Hey careful! There is snake, Snake.

On hearing this all the three boys were afraid and started to ran towards Jeni's direction in fear. At last, they came to the room where the other boys are under rep's custody. Bala and Raj not knowing what to do, signed a "Hii" to the Rep and Jeni. Arun was speechless on seeing Jeni's presence So suddenly. Bala notices him and wakes him from his LOVE DREAM. Then Arun started,

Arun: Hey, what is happening here? Why are the boys standing like this?

Rep: They are in their punishment for being here.

Bala: Punishment? Why? Is there any rule to not be here?

Jeni: Yes. There is. Our hostel seniors told us.

Arun: Then, why are you two here?

Rep: That is none of your business. We have our own reasons.

Raj: Then don't involve in our job too.

Jeni: We used to study here at holidays. I forget this book yesterday and so we came to take it. We don't play here and damage this place.

Arun: We too. We didn't damage any of this place. We just came to visit.

Rep: Are you sure?

The girls pointed a part of the wall, where the other boys scribbled over something bad about Bala with a marker. On seeing this, Bala grabbed the marker on the table and strike those scribblings and ran out in anger. All the other boys, ran to him to apologize to him. Arun and Raj ran to him to convince him too. But Bala didn't give up his anger and so Arun asked to boys to go further to hostel and he will join then in few minutes. Raj followed Arun but Arun asked him to go with Bala. Arun ran towards the building again and at once the girls started leaving.

Arun: Are you guys leaving already?

Rep: Yes. Why are you here again? Do you want to make any other problem?

Arun: Hey please. Hereafter just try to speak less. I don't have time to play with you. I have some more important works to do.

Arun entered the building, took a step back and shouted "Jeni" to wave a "Bye". Jeni was happy on hearing Arun calling her name. He entered the hallway and notices the scribblings. As the building is old and damaged, the paints are almost come out from the wall and so it is easy for him to peal the paint with the marker signs. He started his work on cleaning those mess. At the building, he was alone and he can even hear his breathe louder than normal. After a minute, he heard some footsteps here and there around the building. He manages to ignore them thinking it may be some dogs as there exist regular presence of stary dogs in their college and sometimes even in their classrooms. Suddenly, he felt a strange and strong hug from his back. With fear, Arun screamed and turned back. He saw Jeni hugging him from behind. He relaxed himself that it was not a paranormal thing. Then at once he screams again, realizing his crush is the one hugging him. The rep standing near them spoke.

Rep: Don't be so panic or nervous. She knows that you like her and she does like you too.

Arun was just stunned to hear that, but he came to his senses and asked Jeni.

Arun: Is that true, Jeni?

Jeni: Yes. I love you.

Arun: Are you sure?

Jeni nodded positively from the back. Arun asked her to promise him but instead she shouted,

Jeni: Yes, You Idiot!

Arun was completely mesmerized at the moment. They kept freezing at their positions.

Rep: Hey guys, It's enough for your love. I'm hungry it's lunch time.

Arun notices his watch and pulled Jeni to the front. He proposed her and kissed her hand. He asked them to go to their hostel as its already time. As they were leaving, Jeni turned back at Arun and asked him to call her later. Arun at the moment, recollecting all the things happened just a minute ago and expressed his happiness by punching the wall. He resulted in hurting his hand too. After clearing the mess, he started walking and reaches the hostel. But the lunch time is over, so he headed to his room. As soon as he entered his room. He saw Bala sleeping in his bed. Then he took his neckband and connected his mobile and made a call to Jeni. "The new love birds started to speak about building and living with their dream nest in the future".

Their conversation continued till the dinner time. Some boys came to inform Arun and Bala to come for dinner. Arun asked Jeni to go for the dinner and wake up from his place. He came near Bala. Bala seemed to be very tired.

Arun: Are you still angry on those boys? Or are you not feeling well?

Bala: No, I'm fine. I had a slight headache but there is no other problem now. Why?

Arun: Your eyes are quite reddish than ever.

Bala: I think I didn't get enough of sleep because of someone.

Bala points Arun's mobile and smile. Arun sat near Bala and put his hand around his shoulder.

Arun: You know what. Jeni proposed me today.

Bala: I know my guess was right. By the way, Congratulations. Tomorrow it will be your treat for dinner.

Arun: What? Why should I treat you?

Bala: If you didn't. The news will spread across all our friends and it's quite expensive to treat all of us.

Arun: Blackmail!

Bala laughed and brought Arun to dining hall.They had their dinner and went to their bed.

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