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Arun ended the call. Then he heard some footsteps from the staircase, he turned his head and saw Bala and Raj coming from the next room with a bag.

Arun: Is the game over? Or did you pause the game?

Bala: It went boring so we just quit playing for now.

Arun: Why? This soon?

Raj: There was no reply from the ghost. As I said before, it was not brave enough.

Everyone laughed.

Bala: Who was on the phone? I heard you speaking to someone.

Arun: Oh. It was Jeni. I told her about our plan so she is afraid.

Raj: Why did you told her? Didn't you already know she will be afraid?

Arun: I knew but do you think I can hide it from her.

Bala: You should, if you don't want her to be stressed out on something like this.

Arun: Ok. Ok. I'll be more careful hereafter. Where is your brother? I saw his friend going up.

Raj: As the game is a flop, he wanted to pack the things but before that he wanted to check the footage is good enough for his content.

Bala: Even though they are younger than us, they are brave and strong to play with this.

Raj: It is not at all a matter. It's all from my training. He learnt how to be brave from me.

Arun: But Raj, do you remember a guy who is afraid to go for a night walk at their age, last year.

Raj: I don't remember such person. Is he from our class?

Bala: Wow, What an acting! The Oscar goes to the bravest person of our college Mr. Raj.

All of the three were laughing by kidding Raj at the ground floor. At the first floor, Naveen after checking his footage closed his camera and saw his friend coming in.

Naveen: Hey, finally you are here. Come on let's pack these stuffs.

His friend: Sure. By the way, how was the footage?

Naveen: It's pretty good for our first try. We will up-load it tomorrow after the required edits.

His friend: Ok. I'll take care of the rest. Also, here.

Naveen's friend hand over the thing he got inside the forest. Naveen after getting that checked what was that.

His friend: I think this maybe the necklace that the senior mentioned you about.

Naveen: The leaf shaped necklace made of glass. Yeah, you are right. Where did you get that?

His friend: Leave that matter aside. Watch this, it is similar to the card piece used for the board game. Let's try calling it for one last time using this one.

Naveen: But do you think it is necessary? We just played for an hour back but didn't get any response.

His friend: According to what they said, this must belong to the ghost, so maybe it can answer if he used this to play.

Naveen accepted his idea. They again lighted the candles and prepared the setup for playing again. This time they both kept their finger over the necklace's pendant and about to start their game. There outside the wind started to raise its speed. Arun and his friends below noticed the high speed of the wind.

Raj: It is about to rain, I guess.

Bala: So, we can't move from here if it starts.

Raj: What's the problem with that? There are no one here except us. If it rains let's wait here until morning and leave to hostel.

At the first floor, Naveen didn't start the game. He feels the pendant is enough to play and the necklace (the chain holding the pendant) is not comfortable. So, he tried to break the pendant alone but suddenly the necklace acted upon its own and falls into Naveen's neck. The necklace started to tighten itself and so, Naveen started to suffocate. On seeing this, his friend called out Raj's name. The boys below heard the sound. They understood there is a problem and rushed upstairs. As soon as they came to the room, they saw Naveen's condition and stunned. But soon they came to their senses. Arun and Raj rushed to help him. Naveen's friend came to help them too. But Bala can't take his step forward form the spot, he saw the other boys struggling to help Naveen. Arun turned and shouted Bala's name to come and help them but Bala was so afraid on seeing the necklace again and ran away. The other boys tried their level best and managed to remove the necklace. After removing it they just threw that away from them to a corner of the room. They then focused on waking Naveen but they can't. Fortunately, he is breathing and so they wanted to get out of the place first. By packing the things, Raj asked Naveen's friend where did the necklace came from and he replied that he accidently saw that inside the forest few minutes before and brought it here. Raj shouted at him for this act but Arun suggested them to talk about everything after they did escape. They packed all the stuffs as fast as possible and started to move out of the room. But Arun, stopped and saw the corner of the room, the necklace was missing. Also, Bala ran away too. They came out of the building.

Raj: What should we do now Arun?

Arun: You guys go far from this place. I'll search Bala and reach you.

Raj: How can you do that alone? I'll come with you too.

Raj asked Naveen's friend to take Naveen with him and wait for them at the road end. Both Arun and Raj took a torch light and went inside the building.

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