Chapter 2 ~ Wake up

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TW mental health mentions
Viewer discretion is advised if u get uncomfortable at the mentions mental health

and TW slurs

My alarm clock went off.

I looked slowly towards it and the 7:30AM light shone brightly into my eyes. I groaned to myself and went back to sleep. Getting up in the mornings is way too hard for me, I hate not being able to predict what happens everyday and I hate surprises.

I woke up from my two minute nap and threw my legs off the side of my bed and began to walk towards my closet. It's funny thinking I figuratively used to be in one.

I took a glimpse of myself in the mirror beside the closet and rolled my eyes, slamming my head into the closet door with a fed up expression on my face.

The words "fag" escaped from my lips as I grabbed the clothes I was going to wear.
Sometimes I just don't feel like me anymore.
Not really anyone to be perfectly honest...

The worst thing I find is everyone expects my life to be so perfect. I have great friends, amazing family, survived probably the most awful events in history including severe injuries which I should be 'thankful' for that and I have a loving,caring boyfriend.

But the thing is fuck that.

People don't understand how PTSD works or how anxiety works and the rare few people that do understand are the ones that have these issues themselves and go through the same things I do.


After ranting to myself for about 10 minutes, I quickly finished up my routine of getting ready and ran downstairs. Mike greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and I put in a fake smile as if I hadn't just loathed in self pity.

"Hey will!" Mike beamed brightly at me.

"Hey." I said in response, faking a smile. But Mike could clearly tell it was a fake smile, he's the only one who can read me like a book...even though he is the one who had least suspected I was gay and in the closet with a fatass crush on him for like 6 years.

Mike's smile faded into a serious face "Somethings up. I don't even have to ask if there is, I know there is."

I stayed silent.

"So what's up." He said staring through my eyes.

"The usual" I sighed trying to avoid eye contact. "I don't particularly wanna talk about it Mike." I said cutting him off before he could even reply.

I was pissed. Not at myself.


Hiya pookies x

I actually wrote most of this chapter on march 22nd aka will Byers' bday so give him a late happy bday 🥳🎉🎂🎈

Sorry about the fact that this chapter was hella depressing but his is just the beginning...yeah it's gonna get worse (probably) I, saying this before I've even planned out this entire fic.

Happy Easter btw (I'm publishing this on Easter) so I'm gonna ask u this...What's ur fav chocolate brand?

Mines Reese's.

Anyway bye pooks x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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