01. retelling

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I've lived a few years; seen much and felt more.
I've lost everything.I am, changed forevermore.


"what would you do if you could only spend 2 hours with your bestfriend and then never see them again?" The sound of the cantina over powered the current conversation you and a drunk random were currently having.

With a swig of your drink you hummed softly, not that it could be heard over the loud music and laughs of the occupants.

You didn't exactly come with this person, in fact you were just passing by, trying to pass the time before you had to head out to the next planet. Being one of the few surviving Jedi didn't leave you settling in one place.

You closed your eyes thinking as you became in tune with your feelings, something you tried not to do often to avoid the heartache and sorrow that filled your body. You saw what that did to a person at first hand.

"Well, I guess I would apologize for being a headass" you scoffed. The joking front brought a twitch of pain to your heart " then I'd ask if it was worth it." Adding that last part more to yourself.

Because was it worth it? Throwing everything away for the name of love? For you? Did you fail him? Did the Jedi council fail him. Even after everything you were still left with questions that would never get answered.  These questions you recited over and over so maybe one day...you would get those two hours back.

This random would have no recollection of this conversation anyway, so spilling yourself in this dingy bar came a bit easier.

Maybe this was a form of free therapy.

The random gave a long whistle of exhaustion " well I'm guessing things with this friend didn't end well" he hummed, leaving room for you to explain. Now you weren't nearly drunk enough for that.

"You have no idea" you looked to the side as you pulled your hood back up to you're head, leaving enough credits for your tab and a drink for your new buddy " but—I would change those last two hours if I could, two hours would simply not be enough"

Without another word you left the poor puzzled  acquaintance on a cliffhanger. You're ominous aura radiating off of your person as you walked out the cantina.


"Alright R2 let's see here..." you mumbled as the gleeful beeps and boops echoed throughout the cockpit. Something you were grateful was for R2, after the aftermath of order 66 you had taken custody of Anakins droids, you wish you knew if he missed them just as much as they missed him.

"What are we thinking? Azure? Thabeska?" You named a few systems, as you flicked some switches and typed in some coordinates on your holopad.

After the events of 66 you had no choice but to lead a life of constant running. You had no idea if your friends survived that day.

"Anakin...what you are saying is unorthodox!" You shouted as he towered over you. You searched in his eyes catching a glimpse of something truly evil that resided in his deep blue ones, once calming now Turing turbulent.

"(Y/N) you aren't looking at the bigger picture! The Jedi are evil!" He shouted once more, his voice booming with anger "they wanted to change you, change us.." his last words laced with a desperate plea, if you didn't know him then you definitely didn't recognize the man standing infront of you

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